hazrat abbas alamdar family tree

hazrat abbas alamdar family tree

Family Tree of Hazrat Ali (A.S): The family tree of Hazrat Ali (A.S) is mentioned below to make you understand all the basic information related to Hazrat Ali (A.S) and his family: Father in law of Hazrat Ali (A.S): Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) Wife of Hazrat Ali (A.S): Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad; Daughter of Hazrat Ali (A.S): Zaynab bint Ali 8:49. Therefore, Hazrat Ali quotes are largely inspired by what he learned in the companionship of the . If Imam (R.A) or his sisters or his children get injured When the news of his birth reached Hazrat Ali, he prostrated himself on the ground as a token of his humble thanks to God. His mom's name was Fatima, who was otherwise called "Ummul Banin". of Siffeen in the 34th Hijrah, Abbas (R.A) was only eight years old. It is said that once Imam Hussain, was available with his Holy father Hazrat Ali in the mosque of Kufa, felt parched and requested water from Qamber (a surely understood and dutiful worker of Hazrat Ali). He was so handsome that he was known as Qamar-e-Bani Hashim, the Moon of the family of Hashim. Indeed, even as a youthful youngster, he kept others from serving Imam Hussain. shah Patwaro . The book presents the lifetime of Imam Husayn (as) from birth to martyrdom, and concentrates his life with his mother; the mistress of the world's women, and his father and brother, and his role in wars and the rest affairs before his ... Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) was lying on the ground. His capacity to lead individuals brought about his being called "Rais-ul-Shujan" (the pioneer of the valiant), and the way in which he yielded his life earned him the title "Afzal-ul-Shohada" (the choicest of the saints) and "Saqqa" (water bearer), since he relinquished his life with an end goal to obtain water for Imam Hussain's youngsters in the sad clash of Kerbala. Role Model for Seekers of Allah. At the battle Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) reached the river Furaat. Episode 12 - Hazrat Ali Akbar A.S Kay Baray Mein Hakim e Sham Ka Eitraf - Syed Ali Naqi Kazmi. When Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) saw an enemy soldier approaching Imam Hussain (a.s.) from behind, he took a sword and rushed into the battle field and killed the enemy, at the same time crying out in a loud voice, “How can any one dare attack my Mawla while I am alive.” He continued to fight maintaining his position behind Imam Hussain (a.s.). Alas ! Punjab, Pakistan. 6:58. Author Muhammad Wasi Khan . and means "assistant" or "helper"; this somewhat supports the traditional claim of the Awans vis-à . Hazrat Abbas (a.s.), without uttering a word, gave Imam Hussain (a.s.) his sword and rode into the battlefield, armed only with a spear and holding the ‘alam. She loved Imam Hussayn (a.s.) more than her children. 3. Bibi Sakina (a.s.) began to tremble with fear and her eyes filled with tears. 'Abbas walked to Umm Kulthoom and Zainab's tent and then turned back. You can change your ad preferences anytime. If Imam Hussain (a.s.) looked thirsty, Abbas (a.s.) would rush to bring him water. at the point when Qamber rose to bring the water, Hazrat Abbas who was then an extremely youthful kid, requested that Qamber quit, saying that he would himself bring the water for his lord. Because she had four sons Fatima Binti Huzaam was known as Ummul Baneen (Mother of Sons). When Hazrat Abbas was born, Hazrat Ali asked Imaam Hussain to recite the adhaan and the iqamah in the ears of the child. She looked at Imam Hussain (a.s.), but he turned his face away. This text has been written primarily to bring forth awareness in youths to understand the University of Imam Husayn (a.s.) from a broader perspective. Abbas (a.s.) put Sakina’s (a.s.) mashk on the ‘alam, mounted his horse and rode up to Imam Hussain (a.s.). Born in the immaculate family of the Prophet Muhammad(sawaw), he was the half- Hazrat Abbas (رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ) Son of Abdul Muttalib / Shibah Son of Hashim / Amr Son of Abdul Munaaf / Al-Mugheera Son of Qusayy / Qasi / Zaid Son of Kilaab / Hakim Son of Murrah Son of Kaa,ab Son of Luwayyi / Loyee Son of Ghalib Son of Fahr / Quraish Son of Malik Son of An-Nadr / Qais Son of Kinanah Son of Khuzaimah Son of . Risala Roohi Sharif is one such Divine Message; concise, comprehensive and complete conveyed to us through the mosteminent Sufi Saint of the Sub Continent, Sultan Bahoo. This book is one of the many Islamic publications distributed by Talee throughout the world in different languages with the aim of conveying the message of Islam to the people of the world. When Imam Hussayn (a.s.) was departing from Madinah, she asked them to sacrifice their lives for the Imam. In fact every one in Karbala was thirsty for 3 days but Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) was thirsty since the 2nd of Muharram for 9 days. Fatimah gave birth to Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) on the 7th Rajab, 26th Hijrah. Was it because he knew that the child was Hazrat Ali asked him to come near him and gave his hand to â ¦ The father of al-'Abbas was the first Imam of Shi'a, Imam Ali (a) and his mother was Mother: Fatima bint Asad. Abbas's debut as a soldier was in the battle of Siffin.In 657 CE, Abbas's father Ali - defender of Islam (the Caliph of the time) and Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan, governor of Syria, were locked in a struggle for Islam.One of the main battles of this conflict was at Siffin - a place near the Euphrates river. Imam Hussain (R.A) was very attached to Hazrat Abbas (R.A). When Abbas (a.s.) reached the river bank and bent down to fill the mashk, the ‘alam disappeared from sight. Titles: Qamar-e-Bani Hashim (Moon of the clan of Bani Hashim), Alam Dar (Standard Bearer) Saqqa-e-Haram (Water carrier for the women and children of the house) 4. Abbas ibn Ali is famous by the title of 'Abbas Alamdar'. A soldier climbed a tree and as Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) was riding past the tree he struck his sword on the right shoulder The spear and the right arm fell on to the ground. Hazrat Abdullah Golra and 2 Hazrat Muhammad Kandlan. His three brothers were killed in the battle fought after Zuhr. - Hazrat Muslim Ibne Aqeel Ibne Abu-Talib (a.s) - The 1st Martyr Of Hussaini Force !! He was a faithful and trustworthy advisor. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Verily, the spot of Hazrat Abbas before Allah is high to the point, that every one of the saints will begrudge him on fates day".

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