Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality

Strategy: Developed immersive Virtual Reality experiences to enhance user engagement and interaction for CTS Cement Manufacturing Corp. and the Seal Beach Red Car Lions Club Committee. Each VR project aimed to offer users a unique and engaging exploration of various environments, leveraging cutting-edge VR technology and UI/UX design principles.

Implementation: The VR experiences were meticulously crafted using Adobe Captivate Classic and 3D Vista. This involved producing all interactions, photographing and editing 360-degree imagery, and audio, and designing intuitive user interfaces and experiences. The projects include:

  • Red Car Experience: An ongoing project with the Seal Beach Historical Resource Foundation, offering a historical journey through the iconic Red Car.
  • Virtual Booth: An immersive booth experience for industry professionals.
  • Virtual Museum: A virtual tour showcasing the museum’s exhibits with interactive hotspots.

Each experience received special recognition for its high level of user engagement and innovative use of VR technology.

Links to Mobile VR Experiences:
Red Car Experience
Virtual Tradeshow Booth

Link to Desktop VR Experiences:
Virtual Museum

System Requirements:

Desktop Viewing:

  • It is best viewed on desktop computers using the Chrome browser.

Mobile Viewing:

  • iOS 11 & later running Safari 11.1 & later
  • Android 6.0 & later running Google Chrome 67 & later

VR Devices:

To enter, click the play button on the startup screen, navigate by holding the mouse button and dragging it to your desired location, or click anywhere on the screen.

  • Client: Various
  • Location: United States

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