Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality

Strategy: To honor the passing of Ed Rice, the founder of CTS Cement Manufacturing Corp., a virtual museum was created.

Implementation: Adobe Captivate was used to create a 360 virtual museum with video, audio, imagery, and quiz interactions. The museum was used to help CTS employees learn more about company culture, history, and legacy.

Link to the VR experience:
Ed Rice Museum

System Requirements:
To enter the museum, click the play button on the startup screen. Then, navigate around the room by holding the mouse button down and dragging to your desired location. Click the various red play buttons to interact. The museum is best viewed on desktop computers using a Chrome browser. For mobile viewing, the following operating system and browser compatibility are recommended:

  • iOS 11 & later running Safari 11.1 & later
  • Android 6.0 & later running Google Chrome 67 & later

For a true VR experience the following devices are recommended for content playback:

You can also make your own Google Cardboard for newer mobile devices:

  • Client: CTS Cement Manufacturing Corp.
  • Location: United States

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