dragon family bonds
Water Dragon Publishing. She had a lot of work ahead of her, not only was she drawing Runaan and Ethari, but she had to draw her mom and dad too! Meanwhile Keenan now has collected enough evidence to undoubtedly prove the complicity of the Federal Reserve Bank in New York. For instance, the face value of the bonds confiscated by Italians in 2009 was equal to the face value of US Treasury bonds of the Russian Federation’s international reserves at the time (the face value of well-known US treasury bonds is measured in thousands of dollars. Bearer bonds were advantageous to certain investors who perhaps wished to shield their finances from the clutches of the tax authorities as owner’s details would not appear on any financial records. So, the purpose was the preservation and strengthening the golden standard. The 134.5 billion dollar bonds redeemable in gold were taken from two Japanese on a train headed from Italy to Switzerland. Back then the first talks about US bogus bearer securities with astronomical face value denominations, measured in million, or even billion US dollars, started to go around. By: xXDesertRoseXx. Merchandise like silk, ceramics, spices and other valuable goods were imported from Asia. Legally the bonds were not allowed to be redeemed without his signature, yet were illegitimately redeemed anyway. A condition of this deal was that the gold would be used to finance humanitarian projects to develop and modernize Asia and Africa. TV-PG | SD (1080p) | 1997 64 straight-to-the-action episodes! Family Bonds achievement in Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit: Clear all chapters of the Cell Saga - worth 15 Gamerscore. “I wasn’t going to ask you to try.” Zuko said, as I demanded to know why. Requires the cabal system to step aside system based on real assets Keenan was also granted a mandate of the DFFI (Dragon Family Financial Instruments). The «guerillas» call it «black» gold. Italian police with confiscated bonds. More often they mention the years 1928, 1934, and 1938. According to Neil Keenan, also spokesperson for the Dragon family, another lawsuit took place after 9/11. I will explain the whole situation. Part of the plan was a false flag attack by a Japanese proxy that stole part of the gold in China in the twenties. Neil Keenan’s lawsuit is not just about the stolen bonds with a face value of 134,500 billion dollar. It’s worth to note the papers are called differently: notes, bonds and certificates, it’s crucially important for clear understanding the essence and mechanism of the transactions in question. There is a version the global elite needed the «black» gold reserves as an out of budget, a beyond the national states control source of income to fund political, military and special operations for the purpose of establishing the «new world order». There he also met Dal Bosco that promised to help him to redeem the bonds through the Italian Treasury Police. It also uncovers the involvement of world leaders with these corrupt practises and unveils the sinister agenda of the Cabal (secret ruling elite, also called Illuminati). “Why not me?” I asked. In order to understand the origin of these bonds and their astronomical value, one needs to go back to the time of the silk route. Not. The legal aspect is completely forgotten. But I was less happy to find out that Zuko had been meeting with Ozai to try to coax information out of him. In particular, that’s what the GATA’s (Gold Anti-Trust Action) publications hint at. During 25 years of work he has created a broad human intelligence network in many Asian countries. The views of individual contributors do not "With Everyone's Strength… Super Saiyan 4 is Revived") is the twenty-second episode of the Baby Saga and the thirty-eighth overall episode of Dragon Ball GT. Dragon family elders throughout Asia are stewards of most of wealth of world, including collected gold buried. But anyway, as the experts point out, they pale in comparison with official reserves (comparatively insignificant in size). My understanding is quite a bit is still occurring in Tier 2 and the thresholds are increasing as time goes on. She had a lot of work ahead of her, not only was she drawing Runaan and Ethari, but she had to draw her mom and dad too! On November 23, 2011, he filed a 111-page complaint with the U.S. District Court in the Southern District of New York, that was accepted to consideration. The organization was established in the 1990s to investigate illegal manipulations on the world gold market; according to it, it’s a long time the so called «golden cartel» has been conducting its activities. Japanese Name: The Revival Of Super Saiyan 4 With Everyone's Powers... Baby resumes his attack on Goku, knocking him to the ground in little time at all, so much so that Baby realises Goku must have been bluffing earlier about being able to beat him. Dragon Ball GT Episode 38 Family Bonds. Perched on a hill overlooking the Rambler Channel, just west of Sham Tseng, it is a testament to Hong Kong’s cultural syncretism and the whimsy of its creator, the … It also uncovers the involvement of world leaders with these corrupt practises and unveils the sinister agenda of the Cabal (secret ruling elite, also called Illuminati). Because the promises made by the West to modernize the third world by humanitarian projects were not kept and furthermore the funds were used to finance various wars. "Goten and Trunks decide to try and do the fusion dance, but Goku reveals that it will not be enough." This will by no doubt become one of the most outstanding lawsuit of all times and the implications of this lawsuit are enormous. Be the first to share what you think! It’s not clear how the gold was transferred. When, after that fateful Halloween night, the wrong Potter twin is hailed the Boy Who Lived, how will Harry's life turn out? Possible Shipping Delays >> Sign In Sign Up 0. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive … Why should some Dragon Family go to a New York district court when the gold could have been taken in the country it was stored in? BUT OF COURSE IT WAS! A chilling truth, at least for the Cabal, as this most likely will be the sword of Damocles that hangs over their head. Elders are advanced beings waiting to use the gold to reboot economic system. The US demanded that from then on the Federal Gold Reserve would form the basis of the monetary system. Find guides to this achievement here. A team of experts around Keenan, who call themselves Team-K, prepares the final death blow. The Italian Republic is also in the list. The defendants include the US Federal Reserve System, the United Nations, the Office of International Treasure Control (OITC), the World Economic Forum, USA Inc., (US branch of World Economic Forum), the Italian Financial Guard and well known politicians, for instance: former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and UN General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon. Sometimes false claims become golden claims for claimants. "Charlie Ward Talks QFS, Dragon Bonds, Gold, GESARA" Dinar Chronicles - Entry Submitted by Kat August 18, 2020 Hi Dinarlandia, Enclose a few snippets from a Charlie Ward video recorded today with Mark Attwood. Klik om te delen met Twitter (Wordt in een nieuw venster geopend), Klik om te delen op Facebook (Wordt in een nieuw venster geopend), Klik om op Pinterest te delen (Wordt in een nieuw venster geopend), Klik om te delen op Telegram (Wordt in een nieuw venster geopend), Klik om te delen op WhatsApp (Wordt in een nieuw venster geopend), Klik om op LinkedIn te delen (Wordt in een nieuw venster geopend), Klik om af te drukken (Wordt in een nieuw venster geopend), Machtsmisbruik van de overheid om critici de mond te snoeren. He is represented by William H. Mulligan Jr., with Bleakley, Platt & Schmidt of White Plains, N.Y. Keenan claims that before WWII the U.S. the Federal Reserve System (12 Federal Reserve Banks, to be more exact) had received enormous amounts of money – delivered in gold and other precious metals – from a group of several wealthy Chinese citizens to be kept for a long time. Later on in 1921, 18 years prior to when World War II would start, another secret agreement was signed by the American, British and French government, the future Japanese Emperor Hirohito and the Chinese communist leaders, to start the Second World War and steal the gold of the Dragon family. The story behind the claim exposes the corruption within the banking industry. "Family Bonds" (みんなの 力 ちから で... 超 スーパー サイヤ 人 じん 4 フォー 復 ふっ 活 かつ, Min'na no Chikara de… Sūpā Saiya-jin Fō Fukkatsu, lit. share. By: xXDesertRoseXx. The attacks against world leading financial institutions have become more frequent recently, for instance the legal claim lodged by the anonymous group code-named the Dragon Family. My take on The Problem Child Challenge. Family Bonds Series Metadata. This gold belonged to the Dragon family — China’s dynastic rulers before the communists came to power — and is now spread over various Asian countries: Indonesia, Thailand, South-Korean, Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia and Taiwan. DnD 5e Bonds 1. Again the Federal Reserve Bank was obligated to return the gold. Hope that Buffycharmed doesn't mind. He expects to refile the case this year, first in New York, later in Europe. According to the United States Treasury Department there are US bearer paper securities at face value of around $100 million going around today. Missing Them by Anima_princess_1 Fandoms: The Dragon Prince (Cartoon) Not Rated; Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings; No category; Complete Work; 22 Apr 2020. The trial took place behind closed doors and when the Dragon family won the case the Federal Reserve Bank was obligated to return 200,000 tons of gold. Mike handles it the same way his own father would have. Summary: ... drawing her family. However, these bonds have never been formally declared false. Also this has not been Beta'ed any mistakes are mine. The 134.5 billion dollar bonds redeemable in gold were taken from two Japanese on a train headed from Italy to Switzerland. In 1944 the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank were founded as part of the Bretton Woods agreement. The shipping and insurance documents were destroyed after WTC 1 and WTC 7 came down after the 9/11 attacks, In 2009 the Dragon family appointed the Irish-American businessman Neil Keenan to help them with the bonds. The Red Dragon Family’s benevolent actions have allowed the BRICS Alliance to publically replace the old banking system with realistic and sustainable gold backed currency values, thus setting the stage for a new age of enlightenment. Tag: Dragon Family. necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation. 50.An injury to the unspoiled wilderness of my home is an injury to me. Dragon Bond: A fixed income security issued by a firm in an Asian nation, other than Japan, which is denominated in a foreign currency, usually U.S. dollars. Re: DRAGON FAMILY: Notes or Bonds? Onder het pseudoniem Ella Ster ben ik begin 2014 begonnen met het delen van nieuwsberichten die niet bericht worden door de grote mediakanalen. This episode first aired in Japan on February 19, 1997. Trillions of dollars’ worth of bonds now in the possession of the White Dragon Society by benjamin July 2, 2013 Last week, representatives of Asian groups asked the White Dragon Society to help them cash trillions of dollars’ worth of historical bonds issued by the Federal Reserve Board. Family Bonds is an achievement in Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit. 2 "Saiyan Might!" All rights reserved. Furthermore it reveals the true motivations behind the Second World War and 9/11. By: xXDesertRoseXx. One would almost think that this is not a serious case, but nothing could be further from the truth. Why the world elite needs «black gold»? If it weren’t for the efforts of a few of Lee’s descendants, though, Dragon Garden might have been lost forever. The bonds appear to belong to the Dragon Family. They were dated 1934 and signed by then Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau. In 2009, Japanese nationals were caught trying to transport billions of dollars worth of US bonds to European banks. Something about the bonds having a misspelling that caused the bonds to be considered forgeries(thus worthless) - might have been some war bonds from WW II even. Despite this, Keenan and the Dragon Family decided to redeem part of their bonds on a trial basis. After Yamaguchi’s and Watanabe’s arrest an article in the Italian press claimed that the two were taken into custody because they carried counterfeits. They have claims to the gold that was stolen from them. The Italian police confiscated bonds emitted by US Treasury at Ponte Chiasso (40 km from Milan) on the border between Italy and Switzerland. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bretton_Woods_system, http://beforeitsnews.com/banksters/2012/09/chinese-discovered-fake-gold-bars-of-tungsten-in-2009-2431960.html, http://www.whiteoutpress.com/articles/2015/q1/germany-tests-us-stored-gold-says-no-tungsten/. [5] This convinced the Dragon family to safely put away part of their gold in the Federal Reserve Bank in the US. Speech Obama: does he hint at his premature resignation and pending death penalty? December 11, 2012 | World. With a power he knows not, an ancient prophecy and one Severus Snape practically raising him, interesting at least is a given. Posted by 3 days ago. We gaan nooit meer terug naar het oude normaal en moeten dat ook niet willen, De incidenten rond Evergreen en de internationale kinderhandel, Duits rapport: AstraZeneca Covid-19-vaccin slechts 8% effectief bij mensen ouder dan 65, De controle van regeringsleiders en val van het kabinet, Bond schiet zorgmedewerkers te hulp met actie tegen coronavaccin. Furthermore it reveals the true motivations behind the Second World War and 9/11. The above story became the basis of Neil Keenan’s claim against the Federal Reserve Bank in New York and the other defendants. The lawsuits may be related to inconceivable claims, and in case of money adjustments the sums happen to be of many zeroes. The Rothschilds built Japan as a military colony to combat China. Find trailers, reviews, synopsis, awards and cast information for Dragon Ball GT : Family Bonds (1997) - Osamu Kasai on AllMovie The media people use the term for oil, but in the given case it is metal, that really is gold from point of view of chemistry, it’s kept out of official golden reserves statistics, as well as the accounts of banks and other financial institutions. Or was it a Federal Reserve Banks registered capital investment? Some authors emphasize that it’s not about the «Chinese» assets only, but rather about the gold that belongs to many Asian countries that in its time (since WWI) started to be transferred to the special storages. With the first part of bonds, just a very small amount, all the required authorisations were provided, a procedure that could take a number of weeks. Dal Bosco assured Neil Keenan that it was safe to go along with the proposed deal and implied that the Italian government, Vatican and P2 lodge agreed with the deal. Het biedt informatie die helpt om het referentiekader te verbreden. The Dragon Family Council is dedicated to building and maintaining positive connections between parents, students and TU, while keeping parents informed and giving them a voice on campus. They weren't dead, but she didn't see them much anymore, not since they joined the Dragon Guard two years ago. They are greeted by a surprise nephew, and Mike’s father doesn’t remember him. The total sum of lawsuit is $1.1 trillion in financial instruments…. No one can definitely say if they are false or real. • BAN KI-moon stating: (i) “from the very top we were protected”; (ii) “there is no reason for anyone, including KEENAN, to worry about any sort of repercussions”, • Powers that be in New York had no problems with the actions about to be taken so long as some candy was tossed to them.”, Pete Santilli Episode #1039 – Neil Keenan: Jesuit Pope Will Shock The World In September Challenger Decks 2021. First, the statement of the Dragons having a lot of gold is a myth. Last updated: March 2021 Het doel is om mensen op deze manier te helpen ontwaken. Dragon bonds are usually long-term bonds. The redeemed bonds are placed in a program of the United Nations. With a power he knows not, an ancient prophecy and one Severus Snape practically raising him, interesting at least is a given. The Permanent Portfolio is a more easily implemented approach with a similar philosophy that uses equal amounts of stocks, bonds, gold and cash. It’s always great to start the day with a … **The conspiracy subreddit is a thinking ground. They touch on the end of the SWIFT system, the QFS, Dragon Bonds and a bit of GESARA. [6] This was the start of the current worldwide financial system. best. Wie durft er nog zijn kop boven het maaiveld te steken? Cantor Fitzgerald Securities the shipping company that was in the possession of the insurance and transportation documents was located in WTC 1. A "Stargate > Buffy-Centered" fan-fiction story. That the bonds were secretly and illegitimately redeemed [8] would be discovered by Neil Keenan much later in the game. Furthermore, Neil Keenan has proof that Prime Minister Berlosconi redeemed these bonds and shared half of the loot with the Federal Reserve Bank in New York. June 1, 2016. Many whistle-blowers have stated that the Federal Reserve no longer has the gold and by no means can return it. There are a few versions explaining what the clandestine reserves of «black gold» were created for. Furthermore, through the submitted evidence a network of large scale financial fraud will be exposed, a criminal cartel at the highest level. 8 Yamaguchi was the signatory of the stolen bonds. So they asked the Chinese Royal Red Dragon Family, who agreed in the spirit of a greater good vision for reconstruction society in the age of the new world. Begin Handling Gently and Slowly. The total sum of the stolen bonds is $144,5 billion. It is a chance to gain an insider's view of the University and the people who shape your student's education and experiences, while developing deeper bonds with the school, your fellow [3]. Agathea Flamma and Sebastian Smith now face an overwhelming enemy. There is one more defendant – Some Daniel Dal Bosco (a Vatican banker, an associate member of P2 Masonic lodge), who is accused of stealing from Neil Keenan a bunch of bonds entrusted to him by the Dragon Family. Even in a city of improbable geography and astounding scenery, Dragon Garden comes as a surprise. Dinar Chronicles - Entry Submitted by Kat August 18, 2020. Complete quests to add familiar characters to your team!-A Fresh Adventure: Bonding Journey necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation. The DFFI have an actual value of several trillions. I am well aware of the true Family structure, and in my writings, I have said explicitly that the Family does NOT recognize the Red Dragons, as there is only one Dragon left that has jurisdiction. Skip long commercial breaks: part 2 from 1:23:00, 10 Quotes made by defendants as stated in the legal complaint by Neil Keenan. For thousands of years the West is engaged in trade with the East and particularly since the era of the East Indian Trading Company this trade intensified. With both their families torn apart by the conflict and betrayal lurking around every corner, one mistake could doom the kingdom. Sort by. The bonds appear to belong to the Dragon Family. A copy of this agreement will be submitted in Neil Keenan’s lawsuit. Now its hundreds of billions. According to experts, the courts write off around $240 million annual writs of execution. 1. I don’t exclude the Dragon Family lawsuit is a false one, though I suggest one should not jump to conclusions. The dollar is thought to be a lower risk currency than most East Asian currencies (the yen perhaps being the major exception). The bonds appear to belong to the Dragon Family. Washington scared China into giving its gold to Washington since the Chinese were afraid that the Japanese were going to find and steal it during the Japanese invasion. There is a special American term for such complaints – «false claims». After they are complete, we should be ready for the toll free number release. May 14, 2017 - Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. View Entire Discussion (0 Comments) More posts from the conspiracy community . It will irrevocably lead to the Federal Reserve Bank’s bankruptcy. The two Japanese, Yamaguchi and Watanabe, carried in the double bottom of their suitcase Federal Reserve Bonds with a face value of 134,500 billion dollar. The Treasury Police was located in WTC 7 and when this building came down, their documents disappeared as well. They were announced to be false at first, sometime later it was said they were real, and then the Japanese and the bonds disappeared without a trace. Commander 2021. Unless otherwise noted, the contents of this website are copyright © 2021 by Water Dragon Publishing. Some Neil Francis Keenan is acting as its representative. Beginning of 2012 Neil Keenan redrew the lawsuit after the first judge was replaced by a corrupt judge with close connections to Washington DC. In short, it leaves a lot of questions unanswered. Only Goku has that level of strength! «Black» gold and «parallel» financial world. The basis for a new global currency reset, and the end of the global banking fraud. This program had a revenue of 20-30% and this profit went directly to the defendants. After they were brought before the court, they were quickly released and there is no police or legal report anywhere to be found, neither in the Italian police record, nor at the Financial Police, nor at Interpol. [9] As part of the negotiations Keenan always took his own stack of bonds with him, a set comparable with Yamaguchi’s confiscated set of bonds and with a face value of 145,500 billion dollar. Four phases means that Broly is guaranteed to transform during the final battle, meaning you can take advantage of his horrifying offensive power to take Gohan & Goten (& Goku) down before they can hit you with that devastating Family Kamehameha. The deadline when this gold had to be sent back was September 12 2001, the day after 9/11. Now, buy some worthless Chinese Historical Bonds (yes, worthless, for all of you who keep asking me), ... Be clear, I do not advocate for the anime-esque "dragon family" with 600 year old wise men and the benevolent intent to rescue all mankind. ... 49.My family, clan, or tribe is the most important thing in my life, even when they are far from me. In order to regain this gold, the Cabal in the West made a secret agreement to plunder it from Asia by means of three world wars. The US secret service used to get hold of «homemade» bonds, but the annual «catch» rarely exceeded $10 billion. For information or problems regarding this website, contact our Web Wizard. In exchange the Dragon family received Federal Reserve Bonds with gigantic values, varying from a million to 100 million dollar per bond. It’s also vague about what kind of deal it was, was money to be kept, stored or deposited in the bank? David Guyatt is known to be the person who coined the term in his The Secret Gold Treaty book. It’s worth to note that according to the Dragon Family lawsuit, those days the Federal Reserve exchanged the gold for bonds pursuing the purpose of strengthening the dollar as the international currency, not having the yellow metal stored in «deep freeze». The legal complaint by Neil Keenan redrew the lawsuit after the first judge was replaced by a judge. Company that was lost long ago, a criminal cartel at the highest level the.. S not Clear how the gold and « parallel » financial world in 1938 tankers! Itself doesn ’ t provide answers, but rather gives rise to a class of people was. Us sent false gold bars back to China, made of a worthless tungsten by. Of execution this episode first aired in Japan on February 19 dragon family bonds 1997 yen perhaps being the major ). That means we are in a program of the Vatican and treasurer of the golden Age definitely... Fraud will be submitted in Neil Keenan revenue of 20-30 % and this is just. 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