global digital development essay
According to Charles Leadbeater, people go online for three different experiences such as to enjoy, talk and fulfil new experiences, as media encourages them to experience, connect and be creative. Solved Example on Digital Economy The British Government’s proposal incorporates two extraordinary cabinet posts known as the e-Minister and e-Envoy to position and install the suitable infrastructure and ICT widely. Role Of Technology In Economic Development The development of technology is rapidly altering every aspect of the lives of human beings and extending the changes towards economic development. It is in particular a blessing for developing countries which chronically suffer from ailments of access and affordability. The program pursues the argument that all kids can be trained and that schools are responsible for a kid’s growth. No company gains or maintains a stable market position by standing still. As has been demonstrated above, one of the primary causes of the digital divide is the income inequality between people and nations. IvyPanda. National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). The whole composition tries to answer the questions regarding the key issues of Digital skills, Digital Inclusion along with fairness and access for all and the concerns regarding inequalities. As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. 4. Let's see if we can help you! Today, a large sector of all working professions make use of technology, therefore it is reasonable to assume that everybody should be introduced to essential information technology (IT) skills. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. October 2000. Though, the matters about digital exclusion broaden far-off than ensuring access to internet albeit with the increasing role of the internet in daily life, an analysis of utilizing the opportunities offered by the internet is of fundamental significance. In a developing country like ours, development of the infrastructure and network is a very slow, tedious and costly process. However, there have been concerns due to the fact that these life transforming technologies are disparately available to people in the society. The government gave digital players space to experiment before enacting official regulation, and it is becoming an active supporter as an investor and consumer. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by The revolution will clearly affect economies that are financial hubs, such as Singapore and Hong Kong SAR, differently than, for example, specialized oil producers such as Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. Falling Through the Net: Towards Digital Inclusion. While the digital revolution is global, the pace of adaptation and policy reactions will—rightly or wrongly—be largely national or regional, reflecting different economic structures and social preferences. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 from the US department of education aspires to seal the success gap among deprived and struggling learners and their peers. In the year 2009 around 92% jobs required applicants to hold both general (hardware and software skills) and specific application skills (such as databases, and spreadsheets) in particular. The invention of the computer and the subsequent birth of the internet have been seen as the most significant advances of the 20th century. 39-45. Korupp, Sylvia and Szydlik, Marc. Copyright © 2021 - IvyPanda is a trading name of Edustream As the internet is becoming an amplified trend (Van Dijk and Hacker, 2003) Digital Britain’s goals were clear from the beginning regarding developing nation’s digital skills at all levels by ensuring that the population is ready to use and access the digital technology confidently. Web. A new report from the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), People on the move: Global migration’s impact and opportunity, aims to fill this need. To help alleviate this, programs have been put in place to reduce the cost of computers or even offer them for free to the developing countries. ... one of the major operators in the global digital economy. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration indicates that in America, certain groups such as Whites and Asian Americans who possess higher educational levels have higher levels of both computer ownership as well as access to the internet (3). IvyPanda. Causes and Trends of the Digital Divide. Associated Press. Today, the use of technology has penetrated all … 2001. Web. 1 December. According to the research by HM government there are a range of barriers like lack of understanding and confidence, comprehension to use the equipment, fear and anxieties and sense of inertia and ageism due to which older generation is left behind. What remains at question is that do people want to be part of this new web technology and are they ready to accept it and embrace it in near future? Digital economy requires a strong infrastructure, high functioning Internet, strong mobile networks and telecommunication. Digital agriculture will create systems that are highly productive, anticipatory and adaptable to changes such as those caused by climate change. 1. According to Castells despite the globes increasing interconnectivity there are some individuals that are extremely involved in a global networks and others stay mainly excluded. The causes and Trends of the Digital Divide. As such, the reduction of this divide by use of digital inclusion steps is necessary for everyone to share in the opportunities provided. This means that even with access to technology, people might still be unable to make effective usage of the same. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. The government legislation under the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 also promotes equality of opportunity by eliminating various racism based discrimination. This shows a vast difference in the objectives already achieved and future aims of both the countries. According to (Reaching Out: Action Plan on Social Exclusion, September 2006) “It is possible to extend opportunity to the least advantaged so that they enjoy more of the choices, chances and power that the rest of society takes for granted.” Ofcom plays an imperative role in promoting media literacy and persists to work with stakeholders in turn to: offer people the opportunity and inspiration to develop proficiency and self-confidence to participate in communications technology and digital society; and update and allow people to handle their own media activity (both consumption and creation). You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. To critically discuss the actions taken by The Digital Britain report in line with developing nation’s digital skills; it is required to understand and discuss why should there be an urgency to build on the nation’s skills, what digital skills are currently being delivered, how these are processed, how is it made sure that no one misses out and lastly to what extent the contribution of internet access is helping the society to improve the present inequalities? Just as with a bridge or skyscraper, flexibility enables size and stability. Therefore in conclusion, UK government is motivated with its goals for broadband speeds and to encourage people to access new digitalized technology. Therefore the government has taken various inspired initiatives to educate everyone with a vision to shape a brighter future for Britain. Hundred-Dollar Laptop’ on Sale in Two-for-One Deal. Technologies can help make our world fairer, more peaceful, and more just. In this essay the basic focus is on the need to develop nation’s digital skills at all levels as it is gradually becoming important in the present period where technology and its benefits are becoming more sophisticated and pervasive. The digital divide problem has geographic, demographic, and socio-economic dimensions (Yuguchi, 2008). (2019, December 1). Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. we will assume that you agree to our In other words, everyone understands the need to grow their economies, but not everyone takes into account the negatives that unbalanced economic growth can have on the environment and on people’s well-being. Study for free with our range of university lectures! Retrieved from You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must. Therefore, technology transforms the mode or platform in which we converse and process knowledge. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? Consequently this explains how various international policy goals helps individuals to overcome various psychological factors like anxiety and lack of interest by accustoming them to the available technology. China ran an annual surplus in digital services of $10 billion to $15 billion over the past five years. Hence, the various proposals by Race online 2012, Digital Charter, Digital Champion and expert Taskforce are considered to take imperative steps to reach the next level for forming a fully digitally engaged society which encourages excellence and fairness. As said by (Castells 2009, pg 21) networks demonstrate strength in their flexibility, adaptability and capacity to self configure. The digital divide leads to a loss of the opportunity by many people to benefit from the tremendous economic and educational opportunities that the digital economy provides (NTIA 3). Education globally is one of the significant sectors to witness revolutionary changes in recent times. Although these courageous plans are backed up with vast quantities of data and research, simply building technological infrastructure and access will not guarantee the people of Britain to be innovative to generate an environment for digital revolution. This essay sets out a framework adopted by the Digital Britain report and the government to address the problems related to digital inclusion, digital skills and equality. The essay will first converse about the opportunity to ensure that no one is prevented from access to broadband followed by raising the topic about engaging the society to use and understand the digital media and finally, providing them with the capability to develop and acquire the necessary digital skills to involve themselves in the digital economy with confidence and support. "The Digital Divide." All work is written to order. Next your digital life will let you become the person (and people) you’ve always dreamed of becoming. In today’s changing business scenario most of the positions advertised by the recruiters require at least some type of IT-user skill. To this end, the paper has articulated the issue of digital divide, its causes and solutions to the problem. The discussion about the universal availability and fairness for all allowed us to think whether people will engage in this new technology and embrace it in near future or not? Info: 3430 words (14 pages) Essay As has been illustrated in this paper, there exist non economic factors that may lead to people not making use of computers hence increasing the digital divide. According to (Castells, 2009) there is a technological transformation with the increasing use of internet access. During the information age, the phenomenon is that the digital industry creates a knowledge-based society surrounded by a high-tech global economy that spans over its influence on how the manufacturing throughput and the service sector operate in an efficient and convenient way. IvyPanda, 1 Dec. 2019, "The Digital Divide." For this, the UK’s government is committed to distribute broadband services universally up to 2Mb/s by 2012 which is a significant step to ensure more of the general population in the UK will have an opportunity to access to the internet. is a fundamental development in various business sectors which, while boosting speed and quality, also has a disruptive effect. This set of 10 essays demonstrates how to write a top mark band response to a range of questions for the Global Development topic, covering the entire specification. The term divide is mostly used to refer to the economic gap that exists between the poor and richer members of the society. Education also plays a key role in the digital divide. This is because the more educated members of the society are having a higher rate of increased access to computers and internet access as opposed to the less educated. As a result of this, household income is still a large determinant of whether internet access is available at a home. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Developments, “Digital Divide refers to the gap in access to information and communication technology”. 2019. Another aim is to provide affordable and attainable broadband facility to every household. Digital Citizenship is a term that arose to describe how a person should behave in the online world. v FOREWORD Foreword The rapid spread of digital technologies is transforming many economic and social activities. Countries like the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and in recent times the USA, have made digital literacy a keystone of their digital economy strategies. As such, the digital divide refers to the disparities in access of communication technology experienced by people. How many pages (words) do you need? We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. It allows us to unlock a huge collection of information and communication data. In the context of the Sustainable Development Goals, digital agriculture has the potential to deliver economic If we critically analyse the data and information covered in this paper, we can clearly interpret the numerous ambitious goals the UK government have set out in the near future. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! This will have a positive impact to every community in the entire world. A current thesis from the London School of Economics (LSE) concludes that half of Europe’s efficiency in recent years can be credited to IT investments. The report states arguments about the term ‘digital life skills’ and how it is used to recognize the set of essential ICT skills for using and accessing a computer and communicating information. From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. According to (HM Government, Nov 2009) “The best use of digital technology, either directly or indirectly to improve the lives and life chances of all citizens, particularly the most deprived, and the places in which they live”. Digital transformation remains the buzzword of the hour. Global Citizenship is Further in order to sustain media literacy; enriching public services like libraries and museums can offer individuals an enhanced quality of life. The invention of the computer and the subsequent birth of the internet have been seen as the most significant advances of the 20th century. Digital Britain report has little to talk about this mix. IvyPanda. Solutions to this problem are also addressed by this paper. On a global perspective comparing to different nations, UK is establishing a vision to develop clear and simple techniques to construct a digital knowledge economy in the modern era. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. Registered office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ. While some people do suggest that the digital divide will get bridged on its own as time progresses, I believe that governments should take up affirmative action and fund projects that will result in a digitally inclusive society. (2019) 'The Digital Divide'. A divide, be it digital or economic acts as a major roadblock in the way for economic and social prosperity. Best served chilled: green tech keeps the cool on India's dairy farms – photo essay Sangeeta Katveer milks her cow ready for the evening delivery … IvyPanda. In relation to technology, the OECD defines digital divide as ” the gap between individuals, households, businesses and geographic areas at different socio-economic levels with regard both to their opportunities to access information and communication technologies (ICTs) and to their use of the Internet for a wide variety of activities.” (5). Over recent years the government has enhanced its understanding of social exclusion through scrutiny of cohort studies and longitudinal surveys. Digital literacy can be defined as “the ability to use digital technology, communications tools, and or networks to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information in order to function in a knowledge society” (Lemke, 2003). December 1, 2019. ICT is being utilized to fight poverty, promote economic growth and support development efforts in the developing world. Whenever we talk about building the nation’s skills, the first thing which comes to mind is the need to incline towards digital economy. News Meet our beneficiaries Highlighted projects. Studies indicate that males are more likely than females in the comparable population to have internet access at home mostly since women dismiss private computer and internet usage (Korupp and Szydlik 417). The execution of a successful approach for the advancement of digital literacy skills is known to include multiple components that tackle hurdles for explicit demographics such as; attitude, age, socioâ€economic status, language, and regional availability of resources. With wise coverage over various means of communication it becomes a natural choice to learn even for … Understanding the Digital Divide. Chen, Wenhong and Wellman, Barry. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. Therefore networking is here to reside and education has no alternative but embrace it. However, it is argued that the spotlight should be on structuring the business case for digital inclusion quantitatively and qualitatively. The ‘Race Online for 2012’ program in the UK challenges governmental and nonâ€governmental stakeholders to work collectively to aid the deprived groups to enhance digital literacy skills making it affordable for them. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). One’s race and culture have been known to have a deep effect on their adoption and use of a particular technology (Chen and Wellman 42). 13 If we do not address these inequalities and accelerate progress towards the SDGs, the pandemic could be a mere teaser of worse global crises to come. We utilize security vendors that protect and Most of these efforts are based on the international communication policy For that reason the UK government needs to publicly show more specific ideas and plans about what is wants to see happen in the near-term future rather than using the blurred terminology which hides the true picture than it should reveal. By critically discussing whether developing the nation’s digital skills at all levels helps in achieving fairness rather than amplifying it in the presence of various inequalities? Digital technology will play a critical role in the achievement of the SDGs, although innovation will most likely affect progress in both positive and negative ways. In contrast to Singapore, Britain shows a lack in participation in digital economy, reaching near 100% whilst studies in Singapore show a 100% commitment and participation. Sahay asserts that the ability of computing technologies to traverse geographical and social barriers has resulted in the creation of a closer knit global community (36). Published: 1st Jan 2015 in Following these arguments, the research led and conducted by Cassie Hague and Ben Williamson (August 2009) shows that any involvement in digital sharing helps in alleviating the inequalities caused by social class and ensuring optimistic results for everybody despite of their gender, ethnicity and social milieu. Digital technology and creativity in the classroom prepares kids for the future Educators in the US and worldwide are increasingly preoccupied with: 1) how children learn, 2) how best to prepare children for the future, and 3) what role digital technology plays in the classroom—all of which is controversial and widely debated. Over the course of the past few decades, there has been a remarkable rise in the use of computers and the internet. This is an opinion which is shared by Sahay who notes that people with fears, assumptions or pre-conceived notions about technology may shy away from its usage (46). Your privacy is extremely important to us. Income is especially a large factor in developing countries where most people still find the cost of owning a PC prohibitive. December 1, 2019. 4, September 2005. The deployment of new technologies could be essential for achieving the SDGs, considering the need for accelerated progress to fulfil the goals by 2030. wages for digital labour in the global South potentiall y leading to global convergence of incomes (Beerepoot & Lambregts 2015); new and uniqu e local markets for digital start-ups within developing The Digital Britain report also highlights numerous methods in which the digital plan can assist parents to recognize improved results for their child through Home Access Program, helping them to develop the digital skills in order to confidently support their child’s safety; to effectively and efficiently use the internet content in turn helping young generation to make the most out of the new technology. 4.4/5 on enhanced its understanding of the 20th century over recent years, there has evidence... Its causes and solutions to this end, the paper has articulated the issue of digital divide spread of inclusion! 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