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prince of peace sermon

That is our condition apart from saving grace found in Jesus Christ. 04/02/2021. It is the kind of peace celebrated in the powerfully moving hymn "It Is Well with My Soul" when the hymn writer says. Paul explains it this way, "For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot" (Rom. Fools Rush In- Part 1. As the prince of peace, he provides the following two important blessings to us. We are, the Bible says, enemies of God. In fact, the Bible says that in our sin we are hostile toward God. (Note: You can download the audio files if you desire.) Make a Donation. The church is to be a place of peace, not a place of conflict, petty politics, broken relationships, or other kinds of rivalries or infighting. The Prince of Peace will vanquish all evil The Prince of Peace will establish a Peaceful kingdom and rule with righteousness Every human heart longs for peace that can only be satisfied by the Prince of Peace. In what is called his Farewell Discourse, his last teaching before he was betrayed and crucified, Jesus leveled with his disciples. Restore Every Broken Relationship. This sermon is part of the sermon series "The Gift of the Son". Secondly, he will extend well-being, or promote safety, security, and human flourishing. In accordance with this edict by Caesar, Joseph who lived in Nazareth of Galilee went to his ancestral city of Bethlehem in Judea to be enrolled. The comment form collects your name, email and content to allow us keep track of the comments placed on the website. A brief outline of the sermon is given below. Paul reminds us in Ephesians.2:13-22 . The world is not just longing for peace but is also worrying about whether it ever will or can achieve real peace. Jesus confirms that true peace can only be attained through Him. We might say that there is no real peace outside of having faith in Jesus Christ. Prince of Peace – Jesus is the champion of Peace, in that sense He is your Champion since the longing for peace resides in you, an eternity put into your heart that you would quest after the Lord God Almighty. Those of us who have been reconciled to God now enjoy peace with God. 03/20/2016 (Palm Sunday) “King of Kings; Prince of Peace” Luke 19:28-44 Palm Sunday celebrates an historic event; it celebrates the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem so long ago. This is the kind of peace that sustains us, the kind of peace you long to have when the world teeters out of control, or when circumstances in your life take a turn for the worse. Home Resources Sermons. Refer to Gideon’s altar named ‘Jehovah Shalom’ (Judges 6:24). Prince Of Peace sermon, keyed on the Gospel of Luke 24:41 by the editors of Sunday Sermons preaching resources -- serving the preaching community since 1970. The Prince of Peace doesn't promise perfection in this life. We do that with God. Info. The Prince of Peace is the Suffering Servant. Jesus: The Prince Of Peace Jimmy Evans Luke 2:8-20 INTRODUCTION: As the angels announced the coming of Christ, their message was "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace among men with whom He is pleased." Audio Recordings of Prince of Peace Sermons. Included in the sermon is a powerful life-changing story by Vanessa Perera at 16.11″ at and a beautiful Solo (‘O Holy Night’) by Melanie Bibile at 24.05″. But until that day, may the peace of Christ rule in our hearts (cf. 5:19). Good Friday Service April 2, 2021 (The complete service) 04/02/2021. My name is Palitha Jayasooriya and I am a Pastor from Sri Lanka. If we are going to enjoy real peace with God, it is only going to come one way. Isaiah 9:6, a Messianic prophecy, says, "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Prince of Peace Worships Both In Person and Livestream. January 3: Epiphany (observed) December 27: Christmas 1 - … Because of this peace with God, we can enjoy peace with one another, with those who are united to Christ as members of his body, his church. Whether we're fully aware of it or not—and often, we aren't—there is a deep-seated, internal hostility toward God in every fallen human being. Listen to Prince of Peace Sermons on Spotify. We hope that you find these comforting and of use in your day-to-day life. That is why the cross of Christ is not optional but is necessary. The above video is taken off a sermon titled ‘Jesus- The Prince of Peace’ presented on December 27th, 2020, at the People’s Church in Colombo, Sri Lanka. This is the Kingdom and this is your King, Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace! This sermon is part of “The Gift of the Son” sermon series. January 17: God's Gift of Life - Peace with All people. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. In our sin, we are at war with God. Please read and accept our website Terms and Privacy Policy to post a comment. How is Jesus the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)? Put the government on my shoulders, and see what happens. Listen to weekly sermons recorded live on Sundays at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church. The sinless Son of God. We are, because of our sin, combatants of God. Do you know the one thing no politician can do anything about because it can only be dealt with by the Prince of Peace? Pastor Ted Gray. Jesus Christ is the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, and Everlasting Father, and as the focus of our attention in this message, the Prince of Peace. Todd Wilson (PhD, Cambridge University) is Senior Pastor of Calvary Memorial Church in Oak Park, IL, cofounder of the Center for Pastor Theologians, and author most recently of The Pastor Theologian and Real Christian. During Advent we've been looking at Isaiah's wonderful prophecy of a child that is to be born, of a son that is to be given, and now we come to the fourth and final and climactic name given to the child: Prince of Peace. It means not simply psychological ease but a holistic sense of fulfillment, well-being, and flourishing. It will not come by God ignoring our sin or making light of it, letting bygones be bygones, overlooking things and playing nice, or by moving on and not holding grudges. The famous English poet John Milton, author of Paradise Lost, penned many lesser known but powerful poems, one of which was an Advent or Christmas poem entitled "On the Morning of Christ's Nativity" that he composed in 1629. The word ‘Prince’ refers to royalty because Jesus belonged to royalty. Do you know what is at the root of every lack of peace or at the core of all the violence and injustice and hostility in the world? This is part 4 of a Bible Study Series entitled 'The Wonder Of His Name', meditating on the word of Isaiah 9:6. Sign Up For Our Newsletter There was unceasing conflict and suffering in Isaiah’s time. Use Definition from Dictionary. Sermons Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021 (He is Risen!) Since the fall of man, sin was “transmitted” to humanity and entered the world with death as a result (Romans 5:12). . Prince of Peace breaks down the barriers vertically and horizontally in our lives and also make peace among us through cross. Sermon Synopsis: Plant a garden and never water it and soon you will no longer have a garden. It's a remarkable thing when someone running for President of the United States can, without blushing, promise that if elected, he or she will "keep America safe," "make America great again," "restore our standing as leader of the free world," "fix the mess in the Middle East," or "usher in a new American century. The Gift of the Son: Prince of Peace This sermon is part of “The Gift of the Son” sermon series. I'm reminded again this year of how much presidential candidates, when they give their stump speeches, describe themselves and what they'll do for the country as though they were the child being described in Isaiah's prophecy. We have collected the audio portion of the Prince of Peace sermons from the web broadcasts since Easter. Music & Arts Become involved in one of our many music and arts programs we have available at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church! Charles F. Stanley is the founder of In Touch Ministries and a New York Times best-selling author. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. for in person. First, he achieves it by ending war. But what we find in Paul's celebration of God's amazing love for us is a sobering description of our situation apart from the saving grace of God. As we read in Isaiah 9:4-5, the Prince of Peace is going to break the rod of the oppressor, and every blood-soaked garment worn in war will be rolled up and burnt for fuel. Have you embraced Christ by faith to find it? That's shalom, the kind the Prince of Peace will bring, and according to Isaiah's prophecy, he achieves this peace in two ways. If we are going to enjoy real peace with God, it is only going to come one way. We need the Prince of Peace if we are to encounter the peace and hope the world craves. In the story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch, an unnamed black man identified only by his status and nationality is stopped while driving. That is what the Prince of Peace offers his followers, and it isn't just pie-in-the-sky peace but is the kind of peace that steadies in storms. He will rule with "justice and with righteousness" and thus cause everyone under his reign and rule to flourish. He is the child described in the passage, the one Isaiah prophesied about many centuries ago, the one whom Christians now call Jesus. Isaiah 53 is perhaps the most powerful and moving prophesies about Christ to be found anywhere in the Old Testament. The only way peace with God will come is by God dealing head-on with our sin. The threats that were present- Matthew 2:3 (From Herod and Infections etc). 03/30/2021. Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 28455 Center Ridge Road Westlake, Ohio 44145. "In the world you will have tribulation," he says to them candidly (John 16:33). Here is what we read, "On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, 'Peace be with you'" (John 20:19). If Jesus is the Prince of Peace, which means he rules over it because peace comes from him, and we are offered that peace through the Spirit, what is stopping you from being at peace in your heart? Watch later. If we need an epilogue for this it’s found in verse 7. For He is Risen indeed Hallelujah. Col. 3:15). Join us as Pastor Gboyega Oyelade leads us with the sermon titled "God Decides, Not You, Not Me" based on Jonah Chapter 4. January 31: Called in Jesus' Authority. Download the latest Children’s Ministry and Student Ministry curriculum. The poem goes. The miracle of Jesus’ birth in a stable and His advent. There almost certainly will be continued difficulties and hardships we have to face, conflict we have to endure, and broken relationships we have to navigate and learn to live with. The above video is taken off a sermon titled ‘Jesus- The Prince of Peace’ presented on December 27th, 2020, at the People’s Church in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Perhaps it's worth pointing out that the peace we enjoy through Christ is not necessarily circumstantial; that is, it's not the case that the Prince of Peace will fix everything in your life or mine. Summarize the thoughts in the sermon through a prayer asking Jesus to transform people’s lives during the Season. Expand on God being the true source of real peace. . This is the kind of peace that Christians have always known in hard times, the kind of peace they have celebrated in their lives, and have sung about in songs. Trent Thomspon. March 24, 2021 Wednesday Lenten Service. Acceptable and Unacceptable Sacifices to God. The service is live on the Prince of Peace Facebook page, on YouTube and this webpage at 9:45 am but there is always beautiful prelude music beginning at 9:35 am for those who join our live broadcast a little early. January 10: Jesus' Baptism - and yours! 04/05/2021. References to Jesus’ kingship (Matthew 2:2, 2:6, Philippians:2:9), Isaiah’s prophecy in 9:1-2 was literally fulfilled when Jesus began His preaching ministry (Matthew 4:15), Jesus spread peace wherever he went during His ministry (Calming the storm- Mark 4:39, Comforting disciples John 14:27). Meaning of the word ‘Peace’ in today’s world. Thank-you. Services can be watched anytime on Facebook or YouTube afterwards. Paul celebrates this horizontal peace in Ephesians chapter two. Luke writes that the birth of Jesus happened at the time of a census ordered by Caesar Augustus. In honor of the loved ones our Lord and Savior has taken home. Prince of Peace - YouTube. The rebellious nature in every man caused him to be the enemy of God, his neighbors, and himself. Notice a few key phrases: We were "sinners" (v. 8), upon whom the "wrath of God" rested (v. 9), and so Paul says, we were "enemies" (v. 10). But, check this out, the Bible also says that in our sin, God is actively opposed to us; God is angry with us. Fresh sermon illustrations and updates on new sermons, preaching articles and much more! Access Small Group Resources and the Daily Bible Reading. That thing is our enmity with God. Explain the situation and circumstances at the time of Jesus’ birth. Being an enemy of God is our natural condition apart from the saving grace of God. An Order of Worship is in the “Members” section of the website; use or create your own password. I want to talk to you today about experiencing God’s kind of peace in the midst of fearful circumstances. Worship can be seen on Facebook Live at 9:45 a.m. Communion will be celebrated. That is why the cross of Christ is not optional but is necessary. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6 NKJV) Being the Prince of Peace means that He is the one who rules over peace. What a wonderful word shalom is; it has all the connotations of peace in English but includes a whole lot more. Reformation Service. Because we live in a world that is longing for peace, Prince of Peace is a wonderful name. Prince Of Peace. Prayers of the People. In other words, God is being greatly glorified and peace is being made available to people through Jesus Christ. Tap to unmute. That kind of comprehensive shalom-peace is what the Old Testament prophets, like Isaiah, envisioned for the future. March 28, 2021 Readings and Sermon. The people were yearning to receive some relief from the continuous challenges of the time. This audio sermon and transcript is entitled 'Prince Of Peace', and is from the ministry of David Legge, a Christian preacher and Bible teacher from Belfast, Northern Ireland. 8:7). We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God" (2 Cor. We lose sight of the fact that God is also holy and by virtue of his nature is forever opposed to sin and evil in the world and in our lives. Easter 4 - April 25, 2021. Join as we hear seven different sermons from the book of Acts. Shopping. The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Earlier, he told his disciples, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you" (John 14:27). The Christmas story shows this grace coming to many as shown in God’s grace to Mary, Joseph, Simeon and the shepherds. Sermons. Stand Hymn # 797 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come. It is relating with our self, others and the earth in the way God created us to relate. April 1, 2021 Maundy Thursday Service. MEMORISE : For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace… Welcome to my Sermon/Devotional blog The Preaching Platform. The idea of peace as meant by Isaiah is Shalom. Being an enemy of God is our natural condition apart from the saving grace of God. Through these messages, we will discover the consistent and timeless message of sin, grace, and salvation in the name of Jesus. The point of the passage is to celebrate God's amazing love in reconciling sinners to himself. See the whole series here. Registration is required. Listen to Isaiah 53:1-5 which fills out the picture of the child to be born, the Son to be given, by describing in concrete detail what it is he will do for sinful humanity: God put an end to the hostility between himself and sinful humanity at the cross when Jesus Christ, who knew no sin, became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in him. He told them plainly that the world wouldn't take kindly to followers of another King whose reign disrupted the powers and patterns of this world. Copy link. Ted Gray, if you plan to use this sermon in a worship service. Illustrations of people looking for satisfaction through Drugs/Money/Sex/Position etc., without turning to God and the futility in doing so. That's why the first generation of Christians loved the passage and turned to it again and again to make sense of who Jesus was and what he had done. May God bless you as you watch. Included in the sermon is a powerful life-changing story by Vanessa Perera at 16.11″ at and a beautiful Solo (‘O Holy Night’) by Melanie Bibile at 24.05″. I'm the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace! … Ephesians.2:13-17; Prince of Peace opens the way for us to access the presence of God and also to build as the church in this world. What he does promise is deep personal and spiritual peace even in this life. To us a child is born, to us a son is given... And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Scroll down for livestream and the sermon. All-District Pastors participating. It refers to a state of profound wholeness, openness, and harmony. That is precisely what he's done through the birth of the child and the gift of the Son, the one whom we rightly call the Prince of Peace. What is stopping you from having peace despite anything else that is happening in this world? Before Jesus was the Prince of Peace, he was first—for us and because of our sin—the Suffering Servant. * As a matter of courtesy please advise Rev. Listen to Pastor John Morris's sermons, which are based upon the Gospel lesson for the week. 12 Steps to Navigate The Future Effectively-Post COVID-19 (I Kings 5), God's Restoration of the Lost Years : Sermon (Isaiah 54), Sermon : Four Steps to Win the Battle Over Worry (Matthew 6:25-34), 2 Chronicles 20: Victory Against Overwhelming Odds, The Victorious Power of the Cross Is Yours Today (Colossians 2:13-15), Sermon: Becoming Fruitful Through Affliction, Reflect on the desperation in Isaiah’s time and the similarities in today’s situation, In Isaiah 9:1-2, the darkness and gloom is removed and the light comes shining through. 03/25/2021. For further reading on the topic click link below:, Jesus, the True Prince of Peace. A brief outline of the sermon is given below. We are hostile toward God in our minds; we are at enmity with him. Prince of Peace Sermon 9-25-16 text: Luke 16:19:31. Instead, as Paul goes on to say in Ephesians chapter four, we're "to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (v. 1-3). Sermon. My point is simply this: In presidential politics, the rhetoric gets messianic; the language gets almost eerily prophetic as candidates offer hope for the future that only God could ever deliver. We have, understandably, a very hard time with that truth, not least of all because we view God often in an unbalanced and unbiblical way as only a God of love and nothing else. God brought us into being and then planted within us the seed of faith, through the word of God, and He continues to nurture that faith with His mighty word. "The webbing together," the writer continues, "of God, humans, and all creation in justice, fulfillment, and delight is what the Hebrew prophets call shalom.". Share. Refer to John 1:5 NLT where it says the darkness can never extinguish the ‘Light’ Jesus brings. When Jesus appeared to his disciples after the resurrection, do you remember his first words to them? Worship is at 9:45 a.m. Do you know that peace? Call on the name of Jesus, live a life with him at the center, and experience HIS peace. Full Service 10-30-16 . The resurrection of Jesus changed everything. Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Hemet, 2018 Service of Remembrance. 10-23-16. Jesus talked about that kind of peace with his disciples; he promised them just that kind of peace even in a world he knew would be hostile to them. God has given the church, Paul says, "the ministry of reconciliation," which is not primarily horizontal reconciliation, thought that is it's necessary fruit and proof, but vertical reconciliation; "that is," Paul explains, "in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation" (2 Cor. He and he alone. He is the one who actually brings peace into the world and into our lives—God's "shalom.". Because of that, we instinctively suppress the truth about God. - Philippians 4:7. By Menjiwapong Jamir India. John D. Morris is the senior pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Dublin, Ohio. It speaks of how God the Father in his infinite grace and condescension toward us graced us with a perpetual peace through the gift of his Son whom we know as the Prince of Peace. As we embody peace in our relationships, we proclaim peace to the world. Jesus Christ is called the Prince of Peace because He alone is able to accomplish these three things: 1. Thanks to Mokshini Jayamanne for the sign language translation. There is, though, one who never overpromises or under-delivers but always makes good on precisely what he says and what he promises. Take a look at Romans 5:8-10 where we find a sobering description of our human condition. Subscribe to our Prince of Peace Podcast to access the Sermon audio. One day Christ, the Prince of Peace, will bring peace to this earth, and today he can give you peace with God and the peace of God. Rev. February 6: Called to Live in Love. Ephesians.2:18-22 . We must believe, we must have faith, as the early Christians did, as the martyred Christians in the 20th century had faith so we must have faith that the Prince of Peace will never leave us nor forsake us, that He is always with us. Only Jesus can bring true peace to individuals and society. Christianity Today strengthens the church by richly communicating the breadth of the true, good, and beautiful gospel. January 24: Jesus Calls the Disciples - and you! Therefore, as Paul says, "we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. Joseph Prince (May-02-2021) Daily Devotional: God’s Robust Peace. We don't want to be confronted with the reality of his presence, and so we have very subtle and sophisticated defense mechanisms; we "suppress the truth in unrighteousness" (Rom. This is the twofold task of the Prince of Peace: the way he will put our world to right, a process of peace-making that Christians believe began at Christ's birth but won't be completed until Christ returns in glory to consummate what he has begun. Christians are then to embody this peace in our relationships with one another in the body of Christ. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. According to Luke 2:1, Quirinius was the then governor of Syria. It is a peace that will be consummated one day when he returns with trumpet sound and the whole host of heaven in his train to finish what he has begun and to usher us into a never-ending era of peace, joy, and life with one another and with God forever and ever. See the whole series here. That is perhaps why presidential races in America are such a toxic mix of intense hope followed by anger and resentment as we come to realize that another would-be Messiah promises more than he can deliver. 5:20). The Prince of Peace is the Prince of Shalom. Changing Church 1:20). Our Prince of Peace, prophesied long ago, promises to us a perpetual peace—inaugurated now, in this life, as we find the peace that he offers to us through his death and resurrection. Of the increase of my government and of peace there will be no end!". Tweet. Do you know where the Prince of Peace must begin if he is going to achieve peace? The concept of Peace is not just an absence of conflict, or a cease fire in war. He is the Prince of Peace. The vertical peace we have with God translates into a horizontal peace we can enjoy with one another. It's like if you have had a falling out with someone, and whenever that person is near, you have a hard time acknowledging their presence. That's where it all begins. He thus made peace through the blood of his cross, peace between God and man, by dealing with sin. Threats that were present- Matthew 2:3 ( from Herod and Infections etc ) that in our sin grace. Jayamanne for the sign language translation sin we are to encounter the and..., envisioned for the sign language translation we are to encounter the peace of Christ rule in our.... The darkness can never extinguish the ‘ Light ’ Jesus brings, Ye Thankful people come. John Morris 's sermons, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts minds! Who never overpromises or under-delivers but always makes good on precisely what he promises based upon Gospel. 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