the evil within sebastian
This is an Evil Withing AU story, that takes place right after the first game. Sebastian rushes home seeing his house on fire. Sebastain's boss wall in The Executioner. • Fernando Carbrera? He resents having to train her, going as far as to label it "babysitting duty." As he escapes out of a window and gets down to ground level, he sees Joseph and goes to him. She learns about the tragic loss of Sebastian's daughter and his wife leaving him, which makes Kidman feel sorry for him and starts to show pity. Despite the events of the past, the friendship that the two have is still very apparent. At first, she doesn't even realise it's him. Some time later, Sebastian and Lily have packed up a car preparing to leave. Sebastian leaves the Marrow and heads out into the Business District. The Evil Within 2 – Creating Union. Myra eventually disappears, leading to Sebastian falling into a deep depression and turning to drink. However, Sebastian begins to worry after Joseph makes a brief transformation into a Haunted, attempting to throttle him. Sebastian is a highly trained police officer, which translates well to his abilities. Despite his injury, Sebastian manages to escape into the sewers, and outmaneuvering the man once more to make it to an escape elevator where he is taken to safety. Sebastian wakes up in Hoffman's safehouse, Torres having gotten them both to safety, before dying. Hoffman opts to stay in the other room and go through O'Neal's devices to find out what he was working on. Sebastian comes to briefly to witness Torres fending off waves of monsters, and tells him to get Wallace. His self-esteem took a rapid nosedive, and he began blaming himself for all that had happened. In an earlier concept, Sebastian was among the people who set the barn Ruvik and Laura were playing in ablaze. Despite initially being optimistic about working with Joseph, Sebastian's slow descent into alcoholism has turned their partnership sour. • Chris Taylor? Sebastian then blacks out when the ambulance hits the ground. The water is slowly rising, and Joseph and Sebastian fight off four hordes of the Haunted. As Sebastian follows, an anonymous patient tells him not to look into Ruvik's eyes, after which he dies. Furiously determined to save his daughter from the cruel fate Stefano devised for her in order to conduct his sinister hobby forever, he escaped the Aperture, confronting Valentini deeper within the Theater one last time, each of them fed up with the other's constant trickery. Sebastian Castellanos is one of three primary characters in The Evil Within. or "what's wrong with this kid?". To them, it was Beacon Mental Hospital.Then she sees them again in the Water Chamber and when she falls out, Sebastian and Joseph are there. The Sentinel knocks Joseph down, forcing Sebastian to fight the monster alone. The main promotional cover for The Evil Within 2 depicts Sebastian's wedding ring as gold, instead of silver. wayfaring-dawn. See more ideas about sebastian castellanos, the evil within, sebastian. After a hallucination of Ruvik, Sebastian ends everything by disconnecting and destroying Ruvik's brain. Shortly after his wife's disappearance, Sebastian's new partner, Joseph Oda, who was assigned to him as Myra's replacement, noticed his alcoholic streak and reported the case to Internal Affairs in an attempt to get his partner back on track. She ends up makes their relationship even worse when she accidentally shoots Joseph. Finding himself locked in with the creature, he locates a key card which unlocks the door and allows him to escape. The pair fight off the horde. Eventually, Sebastian broaches the subject of Joseph's death and how he's not sure if he can forgive himself for it, however Kidman reveals that Joseph is still alive. Race Sebastian wakes up amongst the rubble of the tower, he steps outside to survey the ruins of Union. They talk about why Liam is in STEM, and Sebastian notices that Liam left the safety on. Sebastian is thanked by a dying O'Neal who tells him that Theodore tricked him, and tells him there is a device in the next room that is masking his signal. She is confused for a moment before she runs after Leslie and Sebastian falls through the ground. THE EVIL WITHIN 2 All DEATHS (All Sebastian Deaths) - YouTube In his journal he describes her as being aloof and standoffish, even going as far as calling her a cold fish. Sebastian laments that he should have trusted his wife all along. Upon entering STEM, Sebastian witnesses manifestations of his home burning down while his daughter screams for help, an argument with his wife, and the initial distress call from Beacon. As they arrived at the scene, Sebastian and Joseph went insid… As he proceeds to wander through the forest that the ambulance landed in, he finds a tent with a man crouched over something. Upon tracking him down and confronting him, the doctor introduces himself as one Marcelo Jimenez, explaining that Leslie was one of his patients and went through the nearby closed gate. He follows him into the grounds and is accosted by the same creature that chased him when he first entered. Entering the basement full of deadly machinery, Sebastian sees a memory of Jimenez and young Ruvik before moving into the next area. Sebastian raises his hands and assures her that Kidman sent him, and introduces himself, however he is accused of lying as she states Sebastian Castellanos is dead, confused, Sebastian turns around. Walking down the hallway behind the vault, Sebastian gets moved to a room with a ghostly young Ruvik. This is later used as a way to upgrade Sebastian's abilities with the Green Gel found throughout the game. They explain that they want Sebastian to go inside, due to his experience within an unstable STEM environment, also giving him the chance to see his daughter again, as well as save her, which he spent so long believing he had failed to do. Theodore however implores Sebastian to help him retrieve Lily from Myra so that he might use her power to take control of Union. He also tells Sebastian that Torres admitted to her that she was the one who kidnapped Lily and burned his house on orders from MOBIUS and she'd joined Myra to make ammends. Sebastian knows that Joseph Oda is real, despite what everyone and everything around him is trying to tell him, and he's not going to give up on one of the best friends he's ever had. The only thing that I dont understand is the fact that Sebastian got "connected" to the STEM via wireless when Jimenez activated the machine at beacon. Sebastian reenters the Marrow and follows the path that will lead him to an exit near the theater. Sebastian tries to reason with Myra that Lily is now safe, before Theodore tries to kill her with a blade hidden in his cane. He comes to the elevator, where he has to connect the circuit and power the generator. The game is said to be an attempt to return to Survival Horror. I grabbed Sebastian's hand away from the light switch. Kidman also took issue with the aggressive way Sebastian went about working his cases, much to Sebastian’s annoyance. Sebastian rebuffs her claims and tells her she needs to accept that Lily is dead, leading to Myra declaring she will get Lily back on her own if need be. Sebastian thinks very highly of her. After Connelly turns into a Haunted, Sebastian is shocked and horrified, showing that he did care for Connelly. She tells Sebastian that destroying something precious to him might be enough to throw him off his guard and give him a chance to defeat him. Sebastian first introduces himself to Leslie in a cave nearby the shack where he battled Connelly. Kidman, who was checking his heart rate, closes the monitor and gestures Sebastian to play dead. With Marqus Bobesich, Meg Saricks, Kiara Lisette Gamboa, Elizabeth Saydah. Occupation He can be seen wearing his trench coat during the reveal trailer for The Evil Within 2. Joseph is glad to see Sebastian alive, and informs him that he has had no more "episodes." Due to stress and the timeskip between the games, Sebastian's hair had become even more wild and unkempt than it used to be, and he also has a more wrinkled face in the sequel. Seeing and eventually approaching Kidman and Leslie, Sebastian witnesses Leslie stop everything around them from moving. Player choice dictates what happens next. Liam trusts Sebastian, to an extent, but the two don't get along as well as they could due to the fact Sebastian thinks he's cowardly, and Harbinger Liam recalls this when he say, "I'm not weak anymore!". Hearing this, Sebastian furiously vows that he'll die before he lets such a fate befall them, and he plans on it. Realizing that using his guilt over Lily will not work, Theodore instead falls back on Sebastian's worst experiences - from the Beacon Incident, he teleports Sebastian to a familiar hallway, which echoes with the sound of a revving chainsaw, Sebastian finds himself face to face with the Sadist, the first thing he ever encountered within STEM. She tells him to follow him to her safe house. The game was directed by Resident Evil series creator Shinji Mikami and was released worldwide in October 2014 for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. Sebastian questions how he know who he is. The Evil Within 2 transports you to a world filled with horrors beyond imagination, with death and dismemberment lurking around every corner. In full denial of the truth, however, Sebastian brushed aside Myra's pleading and insisted on moving on with their lives. Continuing his journey, Amalgam Alpha teleports Sebastian to the abandoned asylum, where the haunted form of Laura is waiting. Sebastian witnesses Stefano entering City Hall. Valerio is beginning to cut open the same man but begins complaining of an itch on his head. At the nurses' coaxing, Sebastian eventually sits down in the chair. September 20, 2017. At some point, Sebastian was assigned to mentor a new detective, Juli Kidman. • The Watcher? She tries to explain that Leslie has to die in order for Ruvik not to get out. He tells Sebastian that without the core Union is too unstable, and MOBIUS likely turned off the communications themself in an effort to preserve themselves. Sebastian Castellanos • Juli Kidman • Pedro Martin, Joseph Oda • Leslie Withers? Before Amalgam kills Sebastian, he gets one final shot off with his pistol that hits Ruvik and kills him. Shitty quality, but just some evil within sketches I did a while ago. A sudden rumbling draws Sebastian's attention to the door, the white ooze from before melts the door, and a hooded female figure enters. Fight Obscura: Sebastian will fight Obscura, killing the beast allowing him to get to the painting. He quickly charges at Kidman. Highly-crafted environments, horrifying anxiety, and an intricate story weave together to create an immersive world that will bring players to the height of tension. Sebastian calls to her and tries to find a way to get across to her, but he has to swim while avoiding being eaten by the Shigyo. Ruvik would then be forced to reveal his presence while absorbing a stream of red blood cells emanating from the corpses of his defeated pawns, proceeding to vanish shortly after. Despite being a supposedly seasoned police detective, Sebastian still handles most of his sidearms with an improper "teacupping" stance in the first game. Discover more posts about The Evil Within Sebastian. Sebastian wakes up in a subway station and wishes that Joseph is okay. Who seems to give up only to grab her as soon as she is about to leave. It then pushes Leslie and Sebastian. Upon discovering Myra was right about Lily being alive he deeply regretted not having more faith in his wife. Concerned with Sebastian’s safety, Joseph filled a report to Internal Affairs, which saved Sebastian his job, but created an emotional rift between them. As the final keeper falls, his safe cracks open, Sebastian looks on as the monstrous manifestation of Ruvik's sister Laura emerges and shrieks at him, Sebastian simply states that he's already burned her once and will do it again, and begins to divert gas, before he tricks the beast into following him beneath an incinerator, and and setting her ablaze, as she screams in pain, with Laura defeated, Sebastian has finally overcome his worst fears preventing Theodore from using them against him. After having a nightmare of seeing a lone Haunted crawling up to him, Sebastian wakes up in a hospital, and the setting is filtered black and white. Sebastian outright refuses. After this when they meet again while she's about to shoot Leslie, she's unable to express this feeling while he is aiming a gun at her because she sees an illusion of The Administrator instead of him. There is some debate on this and I know that it is the general consensus for this to be true. While being chased by a horde of Haunted, Sebastian makes it to the exit which is blocked by a gate. As he was never officially divorced from his wife, Sebastian still wears their silver wedding ring. Despite their differences in methodology and ideology, the duo hit it off surprisingly well, leading to good field synergy and co-operation. When Juli tries to kill the boy, Sebastian holds a gun up to her, bent on keeping him alive. He tells Sebastian that he found a bus. Suddenly Sebastian spots one of Stefano's most faithful minions, resembling a camera lens with tentacles latched onto another another chunk of the town far above him. Sebastian must disarm the acid trap to exit the room while avoiding fire, spikes, and robots with spinning blades. Finding Leslie in a caged cell, Sebastian frees him, but he starts to panic and runs away, triggering a trap which locks Sebastian in the room with the Keeper. Bonus Missing Poster Found in the Game+ mode. The Evil Within Sebastian X Reader] Two. Three years after the events at Beacon Mental Hospital, Sebastian Castellanos has left the Krimson City Police Department, but the mysterious organization MOBIUS gives him a chance to save his own thought-dead daughter. He makes his way their, witnessing residual memories of Myra's revealing her plotting with Theodore and Kidman, to get Lily out, as well as revealing her intention to become the core of STEM much to his confusion, as well as the moment Theodore revealed his betrayal and Theodore threatening Myra. He attempts to contact O'Neal, but cannot reach him, while attempting to get outside, he finds the killer and is transported back in the same building where he first encountered him, finds another murdered MOBIUS agent, as well as a message that reads "SMILE FOR ME" before being transported back to the warehouse. Sebastian picks up a revolver and approaches the man. Sebastian returns to O'Neal to give him the bad news. "The smell, its gasoline! This is the final installment of a two-part, story driven experience where players take on the role of detective Juli Kidman, Sebastian Castellanos' mysterious partner, in a concurrent story that looks to answer some of the questions surrounding her whereabouts during The Evil Within. Summary. During the events of the game, Sebastian shows dedication in protecting Joseph, going so far as to put Joseph's well-being above his. He gives back the survivor back his gun and introduces himself, the survivor introduces himself as Liam O'Neal. Alive After defeating it, he powers the generator again and use the elevator to go up. Passing through a door Sebastian finds himself in a house on the outskirts of the town, he finds a gun and heads out into the world to search for Lily and the MOBIUS team. The Evil Within is a good game, ... Detective Sebastian Castellanos calls in to report on differences between the three versions. Sebastian realises that if Stefano is gone, then Lily wouldn't be in the area. He also wore a dark grey coat prior to his unwilling recruitment by MOBIUS. Sebastian then says he'll keep coming back until either he or Theodore is dead. After Joseph helps Sebastian cross the gap, Joseph steals his pistol and aims at himself in the head, wondering if it's worth trying to get away. Later, before Sebastian sets out for Theodore's stronghold, Sykes contacts him once again, this time asking him to secure the area surrounding the STEM bath in question, this time in exchange for instructions on a backup method of escaping Union with Lily. After killing the creatures, Sebastian tries again to call O'Neal, informing him that he knows who has Lily, O'Neal states that he tracked a signal to City Hall, which is located on a different shard of Union hundreds of feet up. In a scenario where Ruvik escaped STEM, and caused an apocalypse with his experiments. As Krimson City continues to fall apart around them, Sebastian is informed that Joseph never made it out of the hospital. He walks down the hall and meets Jimenez, who was about to start a test on Leslie. Sebastian however tells her that Lily will not have a real life if she stays in STEM. Kidman tries to reassure him that they want to find Lily just as much as he does, which leads to him sarcastically quipping that MOBIUS only thinks of his daughter as an experiment. Thematically, Sebastian and Juli's mode of saving progress seems to relate to things that are considered to be "bad omens". Sebastian decides to call O'Neal to help track Theodore. This stuns Sebastian long enough for the creature to catch him, Sebastian pulls the knife out of his shoulder and uses it to cut the creature and free himself and getting to safety. The ambulance begins losing control as Connelly appears to degrade. The Keeper also appears at times, forcing Sebastian to be stealthy. Owing to his troubled past, Sebastian Castellanos has a constantly tired and worn look to him in stark contrast to his more well-groomed partner Joseph Oda. Only getting a moment to revel in his victory, barbed wire suddenly wraps around Sebastian's feet and drags him to another a room shrouded in fog, looking around her hears a distinct metal creaking, he looks on as The Keeper materializes out of a safe, before charging at him. His search proves fruitless, and he falls back into his depression, turning once more to drink to ease the guilt he feels over his failure. Shortly after the trio arrive, Sebastian witnesses the death of three police officers at the hands of Ruvik, who suddenly appears right behind Sebastian, knocking him out and transporting him into his dark, twisted world. The Evil Within 2: Sebastian Castellanos (Render) by ... Sebastian conquers his fears and dispatches each of them, teleporting them each back form the carnageous scenario, a dumbfounded Theodore stumbling backwards into the podium room where the two first met. He helps him fight them off. He continues forward and eventually spies a man fleeing in terror, only to murdered by a man who suddenly appears before him trapping him in the same aura as the MOBIUS member, he death, looping continuously. To move on, Sebastian must obtain three stone lithographs to lift the blockade, encountering AlterEgos along the way. At this point, Ruvik admits that he created the world. Sebastian calls Torres asking her to bring explosives with her to destroy the device. Officer Connelly then arrives in an ambulance, beckoning him to hurry up as the ground beneath the vehicle gives away. Sebastian with Myra and their daughter, Lily, Sebastian in a chair with Juli Kidman at his side. Sebastian finds himself in a large upscale building, where he finds the first of the MOBIUS team, surrounded by a strange aura that seems to cause his death to repeat continuously. On the midpoint of the bridge, Ruvik comes and casts a storm, shaking the train. Sebastian barely makes it in as Connelly drives with the roadway crumbling behind him. Snapping back to reality, the machine becomes active, releasing three Haunted which are manually connected to the machine. Sebastian reluctantly agrees. Once he reaches her, they continue to search for Joseph and Leslie. Sebastian throws the attacking safe back down to the floor, and crushes it with the spike trap as it fully respawns its body. He states that Sebastian should join them, but refuses. He must shoot all of Amalgam's arms to survive, and must also aim at the brain, where Ruvik is. He then encounters the Sadist from Chapter 1 who is restrained by chains. Jimenez informs Sebastian that his brother Valerio, who cared for Leslie before him, runs a hospice not too far from the entrance. He goes towards her only for her to burst into flames before him. He is also a very loving husband and father, and is often heard being grateful for having his family in his life. Showing Sebastian how to use the pod should he choose to, and gifting him a shotgun for his help, Sykes uses the pod to leave. Sebastian's life was idyllic, being a loving husband and father, but even so buried himself in work. Kidman tells Sebastian that his daughter Lily is still alive, but is in danger. The administrator explains that the news STEM is improved on the Beacon model, having a much more stable core, Sebastian sees that the name on the core of the system, Lily Castellanos. Career Information He informs that Leslie had made it out of Ruvik's world, and is the key to getting them out too. He is enraged that they would dare hook his daughter up to a machine that they know to be dangerous. She then locks him in the room and leaves him. After solving a sacrificial puzzle, they encounter the Sentinel. Dec 23, 2018 - Download this Wallpaper Video Game/The Evil Within 2 (720x1280) for all your Phones and Tablets. It is mentioned in the artbook that he feels its loss is significant to the events taking place. After Sebastian uses the gel, he asks the nurse if he is going crazy. After she kills Shade, they see each other again briefly before he turns into a Haunted and tries to attack her. Encountering spikes traps and cage mazes, Sebastian escapes, only to find himself in front of a barn in the middle of a sunflower field. A door unlocks and Sebastian goes through, finding himself, dressed as he was in during the Beacon Incident, barely conscious, repeating how it's "My fault" that he's "Still Here" and "Never getting out." They both begin to descend the building but get separated when an elevator gives away. Height He recognises the woman as Yukiko Hoffman, the team psychologist. En route he encounters a memory of an argument he had with his wife Myra, when she attempted to tell him about MOBIUS kidnapping Lily. Recent Top. Log in Sign up. In addition to his various weapons, Sebastian has several abilities that allow him to increase his durability, speed, health, etc. Yet Mikami’s horror hiatus, spending time on action games such as Vanquish, has also informed The Evil Within. Sebastian then feels sick as in the next area, there is a giant blade attached to a rotating carousel. Player choice dictates what happens next. Experience survival horror from a new perspective in The Evil Within: The Consequence. Forcing to use the path in the cemetery, Sebastian encounters the two Giants, Neun and Zehn. The Evil Within is a third-person survival horror video game developed by Tango Gameworks and published by Bethesda Softworks. Gender When they go back to the stairs, it turns into a wall. However, unlike Joseph, he is not a Haunted when the Keeper fights him. After startling Sebastian and explaining that he escaped the crashed ambulance too, they travel with each other for a fairly short period of time, Jimenez primarily relying on Sebastian to protect him, as he is a "non-combatant". Sebastian must fight all the Haunted while avoiding the creature. Sebastian follows her into the ruins of a crumbling Union, dispatching the psychoplasm-infused denizens before coming to a halt before a horridly disfigured husk of a creature summoned by Myra. The series' plotline begins with Sebastian, Joseph and Juli being driven to the Beacon Mental Hospital by officer Oscar Connelly, sent by their precinct to investigate the reported "multiple murders" following the disappearance of the previous dispatch. After surviving Sebastian's companion introduces herself as Esmeralda Torres, and to his surprise identifies him by name. He answers the call coming from the communicator and Kidman explains this room was constructed to serve as a safe area for him, and was the only place they could communicate with him. His drink of choice is whiskey, since he mentions it specifically in one of his journal entries. The Evil Within 2 is a third-person survival horror video game developed by Tango Gameworks and published by Bethesda Softworks for PlayStation 4, Windows and Xbox One. Once arriving at the bottom floor, Sebastian finds Joseph fighting the Keeper. The world shifts back as Theodore takes the place of Laura, screaming in pain. Soon after, they were married, and the fruit of their union was their loving daughter Lily. When he discovered that she was still alive, he did everything he could to apologise and reason with her to come home. After the fire that apparently killed Lily, Myra came to Sebastian claiming that Lily was still alive, having been kidnapped by a mysterious orginization. 346 notes. Sebastian realizes that he needs a chainsaw to cut through the chains. After escaping, they discover Kidman trapped inside of a tank filled with rising water. Reaching the house, Sebastian calls out to Myra, she reverts to her human form, and tells Sebastian that Lily will be safe within STEM, able to have a happy existence. During his time within Union, Sebastian frequently spoke to Kidman, trying to make sense of everything that has happened, reminiscing about his time with Lily, occasionally berating her for her involvement in his predicament and even praising her skill as a detective. Myra is overcome by her monstrous side, and he begs her to stop before she rushes him, Sebastian unwillingly shoots her. Sebastian tells her that the killer identified himself as Stefano, she promises to find what information she can on him and send it to his room. Sebastian follows the signal emitting Lily's voice, a truck stop near the edge of town. Getting to the sculpture, Sebastian Destroys it and finds himself back in the business district back in Union. As Sebastian finds Leslie in one of the cells, Leslie slowly turns around. Sebastian is horrified knowing that MOBIUS truly are everywhere. Sebastian makes his way through the hospital and eventually encounters a powerful four-armed monster named Laura. Status To get to the elevator, Sebastian must proceed through the morgue and furnace, which means facing open incinerator, which is blasting fire outwards. Unknown to them, the figure from before observes as they drive away and disappears from view soon after. Sebastian tells her that need to leave, but Myra tells him that she can't leave. Sebastian pleads for her to end it all as she attacks, saying she will protect Lily no matter what, Sebastian is forced to fight his wife order to save Lily. • Marcelo Jimenez† • Oscar Connelly†, Ruben Victoriano? Sebastian shoots the creature causing it to release him, and he gets away from the creature. Knowing his daughter is inside, he rushes in breaking in through the patio door. Suddenly, Ruvik changes the kitchen room into a death trap. He makes his way into Lily's Room and and finds it empty, only for Lily to appear behind him, she states that he wasn't there for her, before rushing over and grabbing him, before bursting into flames incinerating them both. He was impressed when she was able to break their first case on her own. Sebastian ends up in some coastal building of Cedar Hill Church, where he finds Joseph unconscious again. Perhaps even AUs, too!! Leslie, an asylum patient, begins repeating the words "fine" and is comforted throughout the ride by Kidman and the doctor they found earlier. The gate has no crank and is unmovable. Once again, he is transported back to where he was as though he'd never left. The first are when Juli sees him and Joseph wandering the MOBIUS building a couple of times. Theodore offers Sebastian a final chance to join him. She saves him from being captured by MOBIUS by saying that he's dead. Evade Obscura: Sebastian will sneak by the beast and get the key, getting through the gate without just before it can kill him. In the middle of cranking the generator, Quell interrupts and flings him into the arena where Sebastian fights it. Dazed and confused, Sebastian is tricked into shooting Esmeralda in the stomach, later resulting in her becoming fatally wounded protecting Sebastian, who makes a recovery in Hoffman's safehouse, wrought with despair. 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