wyatt earp's first wife
In fact, he wasn't a drinker at all. [108], In the 1920s, Wyatt gave Josie signed legal papers and filing fees to a claim for an oil lease in Kern County, California. Jones says Ellsworth, one of Earp’s most loyal admirers, obtained the gun. [42] (In the 1920 census, Sadie reported to the census taker that her family was from Hamburg, Germany, bordering Prussia. He promised to marry her and she joined him in Tombstone. If Josephine, as she said, left San Francisco at age 18, it's unclear why she would still be attending school upon her return two years later. [8] "There was far too much excitement in the air to remain a child. Pinafore, she ran away from home at age 18 to join the theatre. [70][85][28]:78 They finally boarded the steamship Rosalie on September 21. "[2] She apparently resented treatment by her teachers in the San Francisco schools, describing them as "inconsistent of a tolerant and gay populous acting as merciless and self-righteous as a New England village in bringing up its children." Earp became angry and left…. When the Comstock Lode production began to fade, San Francisco suffered. [2], Prescott had 668 residents in 1870. "[2] Considering that Josephine reported in later life at having first arrived with the Markham Troupe on December 1, 1879, and that Josephine joined Behan in Tombstone that same year, her reference to "my bad experience of a few years ago" means she must have been in Arizona for some time before 1879. [63]:p235 While there are no contemporary records in Tombstone of a relationship between them, they certainly knew each other, as Behan and Earp both had offices above the Crystal Palace Saloon. As an unmarried woman in frontier Tombstone, vastly outnumbered by men, she was likely regarded by some as a prostitute, regardless of her true status. Her death in 1870 turned the path of Wyatt's life in to a future even he couldn't foresee. Charlie Welsh, Grace Spolidora's father, was a good friend of Earp's. Josephine Marcus Earp was Wyatt Earp's common-law wife for more than forty years. She said that she had believed Behan was planning to marry her, but he kept putting it off, and she grew disillusioned. Actor Kevin Costner, who played Earp in the 1994 movie Wyatt Earp, offered to buy a new, larger stone, but the Marcus family thought his offer was self-serving and declined. [35]:154, "Josephine Marcus" redirects here. He was reputed to own a six-horse stable in San Francisco,[73] although it was learned later that the horses were leased. In her memoirs she wrote, "the younger children (niece and nephew), and our friends were told that I had gone away for a visit. She successfully kept both women's names out of Stuart Lake's biography of Wyatt and after he died, Josephine may have threatened litigation to keep it that way. Rudolph Stauffer found the Apaches that had escaped the reservation at Cave Creek and fought them. Tap to unmute. We don’t know much about Urilla (or Aurilla). Cason says she and her sister "finally abandoned work on the manuscript because she [Josie] would not clear up the Tombstone sequence where it pertained to her and Wyatt. Much of her life from about 1874 to 1882 when she lived in the Arizona Territory is uncertain; she worked hard to keep this period of her life private, even threatening legal action against writers and movie producers. In 1939 Josephine sued 20th Century Fox for $50,000 in an attempt to keep them from making the film titled Wyatt Earp: Frontier Marshal. Her occupation was "Courtesan". [25], Josephine began using the name Sadie after she arrived in Arizona. Supposedly the memoirs of Earp's third wife, Josephine, the book has been taken to be a verbatim, first-person account by a woman who witnessed Old West history. In the 1880 United States Census Blaylock is listed as Wyatt's wife though there is no record of a legal marriage. [47] The couple moved back to Prescott, Arizona Territory, where John had been working, and four months later, on June 15, 1869, she had her first child, Henrietta. [35]:101, In a remarkable set of coincidences, the known life of Josephine Sadie Marcus overlapped the life of an otherwise unknown prostitute named Sadie Mansfield. [6] Markham already had a national reputation as a burlesque dancer and songstress. [22] Sadie Mansfield reappeared in Tombstone when she was noted in the July 1882 Tombstone census, but Josephine Marcus and Josephine Behan were not. [3], Wyatt and Holliday had been fast friends since Holliday saved Earp's life in Dodge City during 1878. In the summer of 1879 he moved back to Prescott, the territorial capital. In I Married Wyatt Earp, author Glen Boyer states that Josephine took dance lessons and had a maid. [25]:44, In I Married Wyatt Earp, Josephine wrote that one day, "I left my home one morning, carrying my books just as though I was going to school as usual. He didn't include them in the book, but he did write about them in letters during 1929. She was peculiar. "[2], In her Cason manuscript, Josephine or Sadie wrote that she and Dora were homesick and returned to San Francisco with Sieber's help. Boyer's book was considered a factual memoir, and cited by scholars, studied in classrooms, and used as a source by filmmakers for 32 years. They moved to San Francisco, where Josephine attended dance school as a girl. She said Weiner used a connection he had in Prescott to help Josephine get home. I’m intrigued by the story of Dora Hand, the Dodge City saloon singer. The charges against her reported that "one set of German table spoons were stolen from the store of H. Asher and Company in the village of Prescott, Yavapai, A.T." Sheriff Ed Burnes searched Mansfield's residence and confiscated the spoons. "[25]:43 From Yuma, the troupe took a stagecoach to Tucson, not Prescott. [17] Although the biography became a bestseller, it was later strongly criticized for fictionalizing Earp's life and was found to be markedly inaccurate. [24] She would not even talk about the key events of 1881-82, their key years in Tombstone. As a young teenager, Wyatt repeatedly tried to run away and join his brothers James and Virgil and his half-brother Newton, who fought for the Union during the Civil War; each time he was caught and forced to return home. Who was Urilla Sutherland, the first wife of Wyatt Earp? There was a bit of a problem for this new love in that Sally was still around. Who was Urilla Sutherland, the first wife of Wyatt Earp? Mattie Blaylock may have met Wyatt between 1871 and 1873. [38] Josephine said she left the acting troupe in February 1880, just after the Markham troupe ended its initial run of performances in Prescott. A second stone of flat granite was also stolen. The name Sadie Mansfield was also recorded in Tombstone. [18]:36, During the later years of her life, in addition to burnishing the life and legend of husband Wyatt Earp, "she scripted a history of make believe to hide a number of things of which she was not terribly proud. [42], Sadie, traveling as either Mrs. J. C. Earp or Mrs. Wyatt Earp, left Tombstone for her family in San Francisco via Los Angeles on March 24, 1882. [14]:101[15] At one point in their contentious relationship, Josephine described Lake's book as made up of "outright lies". In their later years Josephine worked hard to eliminate any mention that she had been Johnny Behan's mistress or of Wyatt's previous common law marriage to the prostitute Mattie Blaylock. But, in April 1881, less than eight months after Behan and Sadie built the house, she rented it to Dr. George Emory Goodfellow. [19] Josephine sought to get her own life story published and gained the assistance of Wyatt's cousins Mabel Earp Cason and Cason's sister Vinolia Earp Ackerman. [2][31] Some modern researchers question the likelihood that her father, a Reform Jew, would approve his daughter's union with Behan, a man 14 years older than his daughter, an unemployed office-seeker, Gentile, and divorced father. According to Carmony, the first two letters Josephine wrote to Ellsworth in October and November of 1936 likely referenced this same gun. [98]:83 Wyatt and Josie Earp summered in Los Angeles and lived in at least nine small Los Angeles rentals as early as 1885 and as late as 1929, mostly in the summer. [101][102] Josie's three nieces, daughters of her half-sister Rebecca and husband Aaron Wiener, would frequently visit the couple during the winter months at their desert camp. [86], They boarded the steamship Rosalie for Nome, Alaska on September 21. After Wyatt Earp's death, Josephine insisted on being called Josie or Josephine. The divorce also cited Behan's threats of violence and unrelenting verbal abuse. "She didn't go to his funeral, even. "[2] What is known for certain is that she traveled to Tombstone using the name Josephine Marcus in October 1880. In the 1878 United States Census, she was listed as Wyatt's wife but no record of a legal marriage between the two ever existed. [34] Married women of the era were expected to avoid working outside the home, or risk being considered "public women," a euphemism for prostitute. She met Wyatt in 1881 in the frontier boom town of Tombstone in Arizona Territory, when she was living with Johnny Behan, sheriff of Cochise County, Arizona. [46]:19 Soon after they arrived, Behan's ex-wife sent their eight-year-old son Albert to live with him. Do any photos of her exist? By Celia Ann Yeary Many articles have been written and several movies have been made about Wyatt Earp. The third of five sons born to Nicholas and Virginia Ann Earp, he spent his early life in Illinois and Iowa. Some women in Tombstone operated restaurants, boarding-houses, and apparel and millinery shops, and a few ran some of the dry goods stores. Jul 26, 2015 - Urilla Earp (1849 - 1870) Wife of Wyatt Earp. [18]:36 Josephine worked hard to conceal Wyatt's prior relationship to his common-law wife and former prostitute Mattie Blaylock, with whom Wyatt was living when Josephine first met him. [112] Josephine died at age 83 on December 19, 1944, in the same bungalow she and Wyatt shared at 4004 W. 17th Street in the West Adams district of Los Angeles. [56] Nineteen-year-old Sadie Mansfield, the same person his former wife Victoria had named in their divorce five years earlier, was also living in Tip Top. Josephine Sarah "Sadie" Earp (née Marcus; 1861 – December 19, 1944)[1] was the common-law wife of Wyatt Earp, a famed Old West lawman and gambler. Mattie Blaylock – Wyatt Earp’s Common Law Wife. She wrote that she met Cochise County Sheriff Johnny Behan when she was 17 and he was 33. Wells also owned a brothel in Prescott, Arizona. Writer Alan Barra suggests that Behan and Earp knew of their mutual attraction to the same woman before the Gunfight at the O.K. [2], As an adult, Josephine claimed her father was German and ran a prosperous mercantile business. Josie said the two of them sailed with the other six members of the Pauline Markham troupe from San Francisco to Santa Barbara, where they stayed for a few days, performing in San Bernardino before leaving for Prescott, Arizona Territory, by stagecoach. Three days later, Sieber and Sgt. Josie had two miscarriages during her life and was apparently unable to have children. But Leah never left San Francisco with Josephine. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. He was in agreement, but Josephine, who was 37, miscarried soon after. They arrived while the city was recovering from the disastrous earthquake of October 21, 1868. She went to San Francisco in March 1882 and was joined that fall by Wyatt, with whom she remained in a common-law marriage for 46 years until his death. He had a "relationship with" Sadie Mansfield, likely the same girl who had traveled with Hattie Wells' prostitutes from San Francisco. Mattie Blaylock. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Josephine left Behan in 1881, before the Gunfight at the O.K. [20] Mattie resumed life as a prostitute and committed "suicide by opium poisoning" on July 3, 1888. [18]:93, Behan and his wife were divorced in less than a month, in June 1875. The cousins recorded events in her later life, but they found Josephine evasive about the timing and nature of events during her time in the Arizona Territory and Tombstone. [19] Wyatt had a mischievous sense of humor. They were married by Wyatt’s father, Nicholas, in January 1870. Urilla’s gravestone states she was born in 1849. From 1891 to 1896, the Earps lived in at least four different locations in San Francisco: 145 Ellis St., 720 McAllister St., 514A Seventh Ave. and 1004 Golden Gate Ave.[69] After moving to southern California in about 1903, they also lived in several different locations. While the town already had five saloons with five courtesans, Johnny's new saloon had none. She said that during the last years of Wyatt's life, Josephine received an allowance from her family and gambled it away, often leaving Wyatt hungry. "[37] She said that at the age of 18, she ran away with two friends, Dora Hirsch, daughter of her music teacher, and a girl named Agnes, who had a role in Pauline Markham troupe's production of H.M.S. Upon their return, they arrived late in the evening and a day earlier than expected, at the house built with her father's money. The first major biography, Stuart N. Lake’s Wyatt Earp, Frontier Marshal (1931), written with Earp’s collaboration, established the rather fictionalized portrait of a fearless lawman. [70] Eager to escape the controversy over the boxing match dogging him, Earp gave up managing race horses in San Francisco and on December 20, 1896 he and Josie left for Yuma, Arizona. The Markham troupe is documented as leaving San Francisco on board the Southern Pacific Railroad, not a ship nor a stagecoach, in October 1879 for Casa Grande, Arizona, the end of the line. In 1870, he lawfully wedded his first wife, Urilla (who's referred to as Aurilla, Rilla, or Willa across different sources). [62] They bought the only home they ever owned, a small cottage in Vidal, and lived there during the fall, winter and spring months of 1925 – 1928, while he worked his Happy Days mines in the Whipple Mountains a few miles north. [107] The San Francisco Examiner ran a series of stories over three days describing Earp's life in exaggerated detail that ridiculed him. The memory of it has been a source of humiliation and regret to me in all the years since that time and I have never until now disclosed it to anyone besides my husband (Wyatt). Jaffa was also Jewish. Behan was sympathetic to ranchers and certain outlaw Cowboys, who were at odds with Deputy U.S. She always interfered! She often appeared on stage and in publicity photos wearing a corset and pink tights: shocking attire for the 1870s. [2] She said Behan told her family that he could not leave his livery stable business long enough for a wedding in San Francisco. [2] He began campaigning and the Prescott Miner reported on October 6, 1874, that "J.H. [26], Based on the story she told the Earp cousins, when correlated with other sources, Josephine may have left her parents’ home in San Francisco for Prescott, Arizona, as early as October 1874,[2] when she was 13 or 14 years old,[24] not 1879 as she told everyone later on. [69]:59 The next month, in July 1881, Josephine Behan was reported to be leaving Tombstone by stage. Some know that Josephine Earp was his common law wife, and in their later years she strived to protect his reputation that he'd had with an earlier common law wife. Later in life Josephine described her first years in Arizona as "a bad dream. He called a foul on Fitzsimmons that no one saw, and Wyatt was widely accused of taking a bribe. [63]:p235 Author Stuart Lake wrote in a letter that "Johnny Behan's girl" was “the key to the whole yarn of Tombstone”. His first experience as a lawman was in Lamar, Missouri The Earp family removed to Missouri in 1869, and Wyatt took over the job as town constable from his father. Otero wrote in his letter, "Holiday said something about Earp becoming 'a damn Jew-boy.' She gambled away the filing fees and lied to Wyatt about what happened to the lease, which later turned out to be valuable. "[25]:42, In the Cason manuscript, which was in part the basis for the book I Married Wyatt Earp, Josephine says she and her friend Dora joined the Pauline Markham Theater Company in 1879, when it visited San Francisco on its Western tour. He opened the Northern Saloon in Tonopah and served as a Deputy U.S. Corral, which may have contributed to their animosity. [28]:78[96], After Tonopah's gold strike waned, Wyatt staked mining claims just outside Death Valley and elsewhere in the Mojave Desert. [25], Professor Pat Ryan stated that Josephine or Sadie may have used the stage name May Bell as a member of the Markham stage group. [17] She was also in need of money, and tried to sell a collection of books to Lake while he was writing the book. His first was Urilla Sutherland who died early in his marriage. Josephine was apparently too full of grief to assist or to attend the funeral itself. [39], During the 1880 census in Tip Top, Behan's occupation was given as saloon keeper. Confronting the Fiddle Player: Did Rex Rideout Make it Out of, National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum’s Wrangler Winners. She had a small, trim body and a meneo of the hips that kept her full, flounced skirts bouncing. Wyatt Earp had a total of three wives. She ran away with the gambler anyway, who later abandoned her in Arizona. "[18]:79 Victoria cited liaisons with several woman, but specifically mentioned a "Sadie or Sada Mansfield", a 14-year-old "woman of prostitution and ill-fame" as co-respondent in the divorce action. He recorded Josephine as a member of the Marcus household,[5] information that may have been offered by her parents. Wyatt didn't want that at all! The only way Otero could write about these things was if he had a personal relationship with some of the individuals involved. Josephine wrote in I Married Wyatt Earp that she and Wyatt were married in 1892 offshore by the captain of Lucky Baldwin's yacht. "[2] She added, "The fear and the excitement, the weeks of exhausting travel, chagrin over my own foolishness, all together proved too much for my strength. She described the harsh discipline meted out, including the "sting of rattan" and "being slapped for tardiness". [6] Henry Marcus initially made enough money to send Josephine and her sister Hattie to music and dance classes at McCarty's Dancing Academy, a family-owned business on Eddy St. that taught both children and adults. This family lived only a few blocks from where Josephine lived with her family. "[83][19][20], Among the facts Josephine wanted scrubbed from Earp's history, she persuaded biographers Flood, Lake and Burns to write that Earp was a non-drinker. Wyatt Earp's Sisters and Brothers. [112], Cemetery officials re-set the stone flush in concrete, but it was stolen again. [1] Henry moved the family to San Francisco in 1868 when Josephine was 7. In 1998, reporters and scholars found that Boyer could not document many of the facts he wrote about Josephine's time in Tombstone. Josephine first met John "Johnny" Harris Behan at the ranch house, who she described as, "young and darkly handsome, with merry black eyes and an engaging smile. She probably met Earp in late 1869, just after he turned 22. [92][94][28]:78, Wyatt and Josie returned to Los Angeles on December 13, 1901 and stayed at the Hollenbeck Hotel. Josephine wanted to keep what she viewed as their tarnished history in Tombstone private. Death of Josephine Sarah Marcus Earp, widow of Wyatt December 19, 1944 Josephine Sarah Marcus, born to German Jewish immigrant parents in Brooklyn, NY, in 1861, grew up in San Francisco. [6][37] Author Sherry Monahan questions why an 18-year-old woman would be carrying books to school and find it necessary to "run away. That afternoon, Earp, his brothers Virgil and Morgan, and Wyatt's friend John Henry "Doc" Holliday faced off against a rowdy group of outlaws known as the Cowboys; Billy Claiborne, brothers … [74] At Santa Rosa, Earp personally competed in and won a harness race. Fact is, nobody knows for certain. "[25] Prostitution wasn't illegal in the territory as long as the women paid their licensing fees. In my confusion, I could see no way out of the tragic mess. In the book I Married Wyatt Earp (1967), based on a manuscript which she purportedly wrote, author Glenn Boyer quotes her as saying, "I liked the traveling sort of man... better than the kind that sat back in one town all his life and wrote down little rows of figures all day or hustled dry goods or groceries and that sort of thing... My blood demanded excitement, variety and change. "You're not a smart gambler. [42], During the next few months, until April 1882, Sadie Mansfield is recorded in various newspapers as traveling back and forth between Tombstone and San Francisco several times. Generally accepted to be a picture of Earp in Prescott, Arizona Territory, in 1880. [16] After Wyatt died in 1929, Josephine traveled to Boston, Massachusetts to try to persuade the publisher to stop the release of the book. [70] They moved frequently, even when living in the same town. [75] Wyatt followed the crowd looking for gold in the Murray-Eagle mining district and paid $2,250 for a 50 feet (15 m) diameter white circus, in which they opened a dance hall and saloon called The White Elephant. She continued to work as a prostitute during their early years together. They stayed for about four years, living most of the time in the Brooklyn Hotel. 'S return to San Francisco, Josephine 's time in her life but found Josephine was the. Top, Behan succeeded his father-in-law Bourke as Yavapai County Sheriff John Bourke..., other researchers have found that the two names share extremely similar characteristics and circumstances n't include in! Although she was earning money as a bookkeeper days, returning to Prescott, where... Tragic mess of 1879 he moved back to Prescott escaped the reservation at Cave Creek and fought them Yavapai Sheriff. 48 ] Behan was planning to marry her, but she continued her! 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